
This is not a fiction.

At 330pm I was alone at home with 2 doggies. Door bell rang. Some unknown guy at the door.

Guy: Hi, Im Mr Yeo staying at the 13th floor. Is this your house?

Me: No, the landlord and the wife went out to work they will be back at 7pm.

Guy: This is an emergency, my daughter studying at XXX school (can remember the fucking name) is really sick.Her nose is bleeding. Her teacher asked me to pick her up and I want to send her to the hospital. My wife went out and I don't have anything with me. She drove the car out. She will be back at 5pm.

Me: *puzzled* 

Guy: I need to borrow money. I need S$50.

Me: Can I make a phone call first.

Guy: *demanding voice* I need to borrow S$50! My daughter is sick. I tried to asked my neighbour but all of them not at home.

Me: Why don't you ask the neighbour beside. I'm not local. *I seriously don't know why I mentioned that*

Guy: I tried but they are not at home too. That's why I asked you. My wife will pay you back your S$50. I only want S$50 not thousands or hundreds!

Me: I have to make a phone call first.*rushed in*

Guy: Oh My God!

I went in and quickly grab my phone to call my bf. I was freaking out. He told me to tell the guy I got no money and locked the door. But all I did was locked the door. I don't even dare to open the door again. That stupid guy rang the door bell few times after that and I just keep quiet. Thank God there are dogs in the house!

Seriously!!! What The Fuck man!!!!! 
I seriously don't know whether the daughter is really sick or is it a scam. If the daughter is really sick I hope he can get to the hospital as soon as possible and sorry for not helping.

 I know it is possible for him to have no money with him. But why he have to come to 11th floor to ask for S$50 ?! Don't tell me the entire 13th and 12th floor was empty. Or maybe they know him so that's why they don't even bother to open the door.

Or why don't just take a cab to the school and borrow from the teacher. Somebody they know, at least the teacher know his daughter. Why have to knock on a total strangers home???
