Double Celebration

Delayed post =P

Really wonderful surprise for my birthday.
People say hi to my very first nephew!!! =D

Say hi to Nicholas Wong!
Even his name is similar to mine! =P Nicole Wong, Nicholas Wong =P hehehe

 =) He was born 1 day before my birthday. My elder brother first son. I have upgrade my status to auntie now. Officially =P
 Poor the mother have to go  through C-Section. But she is in good shape now =)

After saying hi to the mummy and my nephew, we head off to Las Caretas in Damansara for my birthday dinner. The same place we had birthday dinner for baby last year and valentine's this year. But this time I'll complete the post with the price. So you can roughly budget if you want eat there. 

Tortilla Fritas RM4.20

El Presidente RM23.50

My ohh-so-healthy-drink Tomato Juice RM6.90

I couldn't drink the tomato juice and end up ordering a beer =P
Weinhenstephaner Beer RM29.90

The Appetizer.

Oyster Habanero RM37.90

The gravy is best dipped with garlic bread =). Garlic Bread. RM3.50

Now the main course.

King Salmon Champignons. RM49.90
It's weird that baby ordered fish and I ordered beef =P But what can I say I am a meat eater. 

And this is MINE!!! Muahahaha! I think I gain 1 kg after this meal!

T-Bone Steak (450g) Damn a lot!!! Very yummylicious! RM59.90

Noticed the round thing on top of my steak??? For me, I love it half cooked. This time they kinda over cooked the thing =(

It is Seared Frois Gras (Goose Liver). 
I just love this so much! But when I see the bill I almost puke it out! its RM32! And I guess it is less than 5g!!

Las Caretas do have few outlets. There is one in Subang, Taipan area =)

And birthday cake from my housemate Louise!! Thank you very much for the wonderful Tiramisu cake!!!!

and the drinking continues at home =P Wild Africa Cream bought from Langkawi last year.

Last but not least. Badge attached to a card that was flown all the way from UK by Natalie. Thank you dear! I love the card so much!!!!


P/s: Done with Bizzy Body treatments. I lose 1KG only.  I realized Sunway branch is much more better as in they don't really force you to take up any products or treatments compared to Taman Desa branch.