Ma Maison

 I planned to dine in the first ever Nando's in Singapore but to bad it was packed like hell!!
For God's sake! Look at the queue. Damn kiasu hoh? Singaporeans. Famous with the 3K..
Btw,  this outlet is located in Bugis Junction.

Then we retreat to Ma Maison in Bugis as well. I'm a first timer. They have lots of certificates hanging on the wall. Must be good I guess.

Ordered 2 appetizer. I was damn hungry ok!

The taste was okay I guess.I prefer the Malaysian 'chut chut' =P cooked 'Kung Po' style =D

See!! They have fire around the metal plate. If you are wondering, the white color thing is salt. I don't know how they actually serve this elsewhere. But this is sure interesting! =P

The juicy juicy escargot or siput! =P

Cheese Fritter. My favourite!

Soft, hot cheese melting inside your mouth..Aaaahhhhh````` *high*

Baby's main dish. They pour fire over it. Here they really love fire huh?

My Sirloin Steak. 
The waitress did warned me that the black pepper sauce gonna be salty. It does. But the other sauce was Japanese sauce. I had no idea how it taste like so I dare not try.
But the beef is really tender!! 2 thumbs up!!

Total damaged S$71.80