Hello Tuesday

Hey girlies,

I am all about self-acceptance lately. I don't have any beef with magazines, and in fact, I love them, but really, you don't need to look like an airbrushed movie star to feel great. There is no bathroom mirror that I know of that can perform Photoshop.

I hope this spring you will embrace your imperfections, especially if they're just physical. Wear less makeup, and more attitude.

Romance Update

I'm dating this guy who is a paragon of virtue and crazy smart.

Still, if you're under 18, which many of you are, and the fellows chasing you aren't so sharp, I would say take a pass on them and study hard. I swear to God. This is my only good advice for you, besides all the stuff about beauty products.


P.S. Also, if you have pretty girlfriends who go to school but don't carry books or do their homework, you should ask them if they are just trying to cryogenically freeze their brain cells or really enjoy flipping burgers? Perfect hair can only do so much for your head.