Bad Service

I bought few books long long time ago from ebay during The Flintstones age. Wayyyy back in Dec 2009. How many months was that??? 6???

Good deal I found online ( I thought then) before I even know the existence of Book Excess in Amcorp Mall. This story will be using a LOT of vulgar words (as usual). I'll try to be as nice but don't get your hopes up.

On a cold rainy morning in the jungle of Sarawak (my friend used to asked whether I still live in trees.Bodoh.) in December 2009, I went back for holiday in my hometown for a month.

I was bored as hell! So I surfed online for cheap books. Wala! Found quite a few listings on ebay for new books and it is way cheaper than retail price! Asked few questions from the seller. After 5 emails I decided to purchase the books. The seller was very nice. I asked for free postage and she gave me free delivery via E-Parcel (registered post).

Email conversations as follows.

ME: Hi. I've made payment to you for 5 books last 2 weeks until now I haven't receive any tracking no or my books. I hope you will get back to me soon and clarify this matter. If you haven't post my books do let me know. I want to post it to a different address. Get back to me ASAP.

HER: It has already been posted. I am however away.. The tracking no is left at home. I will let you know once I come back.. If I forget please drop me another note. Thanks

ME: Okay thanks. When you posted the item ya? How many days ago? Coz I haven't receive it til today.

Then no reply from her. Never mind, maybe she is busy. So I just be patient. But 2 weeks gone after my last email.

ME: Heelo dear:) I've been waiting for my books for 2 weeks plus already? If you post the book to me like you mentioned before I should have gotten the books. Can you please provide me with the tracking no asap. Thanks
(I still put emoticons in my email indicating I'm still smiling. )

HER: I have replied your email. Actually via sms no 016-xxxxxxx. I have checked and there is a mixed up fromPos Malaysia. They have actually send your parcel by sea instead by air. So that is why there is a delay. Tracking no is CD103713140MY. Sorry for the inconvenienced caused.

ME: Erm..I didn't receive any sms from you regarding the books. So when will I receive them?

HER: Is this your no? 016-xxxxxxx. You should receive the books end of the month.

ME: Okay dear:) Yeap it is my no but maybe it didn't get through. Will let you know end of this month ya. Thanks ( I'm still smiling because she said I will receive it end of this month. Meaning I'm still in my hometown when the books arrive)

Almost a week. Nearly new year already.

ME: Hello dear, I bought 5 books from you before. The status is still the same for the past 2 weeks. Can u check with the Pos the status of my books and when it will actually arrive?
(Running out of patience!)

HER: I can't check as I'm not receiver. However, because it is by sea it will take awhile.
(Can't check because she is not the receiver??? WTF! Bullshit la! You are the sender!)

ME: (Starting to be rude) The thing I don't understand is, how can they mixed up the order and send it by sea if you don't tick the "by sea" option?? I'm leaving for UK soon, if I don't get the book by then how?
(I'm not leaving for UK I lied so she speed up and check for me)

HER: When are you leaving? Let me know the date and I will call Pos to asked them about the anticipated date.
(She is not even answering my question!)

ME: 9.2.10 Do let me know. Thanks

After that she  ever reply m emails!! 2 months plus since I ordered

ME: Hi, did u check with Pos? When will I receive my books?

Still no reply. After 2 days I emailed her again. Pissed off already!

ME: Hi regarding the 5 books, I haven't receive it yet. I checked the tracking no and now the page is blank and empty. I have waited for 2 months plus for the books to arrive despite you say they will arrive in 3 different dates. I would like a refund. It only took 2 months to send E=Parcel to UK but from WM to EM it took so long.When the books eventually arrived I will ask my mum to post it back to you. Do get back to me.

She never reply my emails. Few days later (nearly 3 months from the date I ordered) the bookS finally arrived. But I'm in KL already.And my mum got no time to post it because of my 3 younger siblings. So I have to wait until June (which is now) to read the books. Guess what????

When I finally see the package I was shocked!!! The books is not in a box! WTF?!?!? She could have use recycled box! Instead she use bubble wrap envelope( fucking thoughtful my ass!) !! It is not fragile items you fucking idiot! You just have to keep the item in shape!

I examined the packaging.

Weird huh? No details what-so-ever!

No wonder the post mixed up! She don't even write anything on it! Not even a tick! You thought the staff are psychic isit??!??! Dumb ass! And she dare to blame it on the staff when it is clearly her fault!!! I got a feeling that she is trying to get back at me for asking for free postage. But registered post is damn fucking cheap! And I bought 5 books from her and pay in less than 24 hours!!

Stupid bitch! She is so secretive with her address. Why??? Scared?!?!?! If the postmen cannot find which tree I leave in then the 5 books will be gone la???? 

Weird thing could there be no computer printing on the paper????

She only wrote my details like this on the other side of the envelope! Fucking lazy!

And because she stupidly use bubble wraps instead of a  box, 3 out of 5 my books are crumpled!!! CB her! It wasn't so bad but I expect a new book since everybody leave feedbacks on how wonderful her book is when they received them. My ASS!

Thank God I have this to cheer me up! Victoria Secret make up pouch which I will be happily using as pencil case =) Like me huh?

READ MORE - Bad Service

This is For You

If you think women are vagina that talks, think again with your head. But this time think with the head that actually have brain.
READ MORE - This is For You

Ma Maison

 I planned to dine in the first ever Nando's in Singapore but to bad it was packed like hell!!
For God's sake! Look at the queue. Damn kiasu hoh? Singaporeans. Famous with the 3K..
Btw,  this outlet is located in Bugis Junction.

Then we retreat to Ma Maison in Bugis as well. I'm a first timer. They have lots of certificates hanging on the wall. Must be good I guess.

Ordered 2 appetizer. I was damn hungry ok!

The taste was okay I guess.I prefer the Malaysian 'chut chut' =P cooked 'Kung Po' style =D

See!! They have fire around the metal plate. If you are wondering, the white color thing is salt. I don't know how they actually serve this elsewhere. But this is sure interesting! =P

The juicy juicy escargot or siput! =P

Cheese Fritter. My favourite!

Soft, hot cheese melting inside your mouth..Aaaahhhhh````` *high*

Baby's main dish. They pour fire over it. Here they really love fire huh?

My Sirloin Steak. 
The waitress did warned me that the black pepper sauce gonna be salty. It does. But the other sauce was Japanese sauce. I had no idea how it taste like so I dare not try.
But the beef is really tender!! 2 thumbs up!!

Total damaged S$71.80

READ MORE - Ma Maison

Overnight Biological Peel

Went to the new shopping mall in Subang the other day. Empire Shopping Gallery. Nice place. Not so big but enough for me to get all my grocerries and other neccecities =)

Nothing much up on their web yet. Saw Kiehl's somewhere in Mid Valley few weeks ago and because I was alone I dare not to go in. Plus their store was empty. No customers only sales girls. If you don't know yet, I will get  this uncomfortable feeling every time I enter a store with no customer. I just don't like it when the sales girl keep on staring and follow my steps!

Nonetheless, that day I went in with my friend. The girl in Kiehl's was surprisingly chatty and she explain everything to me very well! =) I always have this communication problem whenever I speak to Chinese promoter because I don't know mandarin. After spending time in the store, she gave me few samples to try at home. I got an Overnight Biological Peel and a cucumber toner.

The Overnight Biological Peel is really good! It really works on my skin! The good thing about this product, it doesn't leave my face dry. At all! Unlike other peeling products. It doesn't literally peel your skin because I didn't notice my skin peel off. But in the morning I can feel the difference =D My face turns smoother and more radiant, bouncier too =P

You should try this product if you have these problem :

The active ingredients:
As the name says, it is an overnight kinda thing. So do apply at night on clean face after toner. No moisturizer needed :) Please don't apply it during the day as it may caused further pigmentation. 

Money you have to fork out for this baby is  RM200. Quite worth it I would say as you only apply it 2-3 times a week.

I love it I hope you do!! If you have doubt do try their sample first. Their sample is big enough for you to use for 6-7 times because you only need to squeeze 5 cent amount for the whole face.
READ MORE - Overnight Biological Peel

My Favourite Sushi Place =)

Since I got nothing to blog about.. Let me share with you my FAVOURITE SUSHI PLACE =)

It's Zanmai!! =) 

They have wide variety of sushi! =) Fresh Salmon belly sashimi (the only type of sashimi I'll eat)! With prices that don't burned a hole in my purse even though I had sushi twice a week =)

I don't really like their set menu. But my friends and bf does.

Curry Rice

Salmon Salad Temaki

I don't know what this is but its good!

Same goes with this. Good!

Squid tempura?

Broiled Oyster.

Salmon Belly and Tuna Sashimi.

This is it!! Delicious!! Smocked Salmon Oshi Sushi.

Choya Umeshu.


 Will be going back to home sweet home soon. Yay!
 If I have lotsa time to spare I'll show you my favourite Kolok Mee and Laksa Sarawak =P

Off to sleep *yawn*
READ MORE - My Favourite Sushi Place =)

Double Celebration

Delayed post =P

Really wonderful surprise for my birthday.
People say hi to my very first nephew!!! =D

Say hi to Nicholas Wong!
Even his name is similar to mine! =P Nicole Wong, Nicholas Wong =P hehehe

 =) He was born 1 day before my birthday. My elder brother first son. I have upgrade my status to auntie now. Officially =P
 Poor the mother have to go  through C-Section. But she is in good shape now =)

After saying hi to the mummy and my nephew, we head off to Las Caretas in Damansara for my birthday dinner. The same place we had birthday dinner for baby last year and valentine's this year. But this time I'll complete the post with the price. So you can roughly budget if you want eat there. 

Tortilla Fritas RM4.20

El Presidente RM23.50

My ohh-so-healthy-drink Tomato Juice RM6.90

I couldn't drink the tomato juice and end up ordering a beer =P
Weinhenstephaner Beer RM29.90

The Appetizer.

Oyster Habanero RM37.90

The gravy is best dipped with garlic bread =). Garlic Bread. RM3.50

Now the main course.

King Salmon Champignons. RM49.90
It's weird that baby ordered fish and I ordered beef =P But what can I say I am a meat eater. 

And this is MINE!!! Muahahaha! I think I gain 1 kg after this meal!

T-Bone Steak (450g) Damn a lot!!! Very yummylicious! RM59.90

Noticed the round thing on top of my steak??? For me, I love it half cooked. This time they kinda over cooked the thing =(

It is Seared Frois Gras (Goose Liver). 
I just love this so much! But when I see the bill I almost puke it out! its RM32! And I guess it is less than 5g!!

Las Caretas do have few outlets. There is one in Subang, Taipan area =)

And birthday cake from my housemate Louise!! Thank you very much for the wonderful Tiramisu cake!!!!

and the drinking continues at home =P Wild Africa Cream bought from Langkawi last year.

Last but not least. Badge attached to a card that was flown all the way from UK by Natalie. Thank you dear! I love the card so much!!!!


P/s: Done with Bizzy Body treatments. I lose 1KG only.  I realized Sunway branch is much more better as in they don't really force you to take up any products or treatments compared to Taman Desa branch.
READ MORE - Double Celebration

Hello Tuesday

Hey girlies,

I am all about self-acceptance lately. I don't have any beef with magazines, and in fact, I love them, but really, you don't need to look like an airbrushed movie star to feel great. There is no bathroom mirror that I know of that can perform Photoshop.

I hope this spring you will embrace your imperfections, especially if they're just physical. Wear less makeup, and more attitude.

Romance Update

I'm dating this guy who is a paragon of virtue and crazy smart.

Still, if you're under 18, which many of you are, and the fellows chasing you aren't so sharp, I would say take a pass on them and study hard. I swear to God. This is my only good advice for you, besides all the stuff about beauty products.


P.S. Also, if you have pretty girlfriends who go to school but don't carry books or do their homework, you should ask them if they are just trying to cryogenically freeze their brain cells or really enjoy flipping burgers? Perfect hair can only do so much for your head.
READ MORE - Hello Tuesday


This is not a fiction.

At 330pm I was alone at home with 2 doggies. Door bell rang. Some unknown guy at the door.

Guy: Hi, Im Mr Yeo staying at the 13th floor. Is this your house?

Me: No, the landlord and the wife went out to work they will be back at 7pm.

Guy: This is an emergency, my daughter studying at XXX school (can remember the fucking name) is really sick.Her nose is bleeding. Her teacher asked me to pick her up and I want to send her to the hospital. My wife went out and I don't have anything with me. She drove the car out. She will be back at 5pm.

Me: *puzzled* 

Guy: I need to borrow money. I need S$50.

Me: Can I make a phone call first.

Guy: *demanding voice* I need to borrow S$50! My daughter is sick. I tried to asked my neighbour but all of them not at home.

Me: Why don't you ask the neighbour beside. I'm not local. *I seriously don't know why I mentioned that*

Guy: I tried but they are not at home too. That's why I asked you. My wife will pay you back your S$50. I only want S$50 not thousands or hundreds!

Me: I have to make a phone call first.*rushed in*

Guy: Oh My God!

I went in and quickly grab my phone to call my bf. I was freaking out. He told me to tell the guy I got no money and locked the door. But all I did was locked the door. I don't even dare to open the door again. That stupid guy rang the door bell few times after that and I just keep quiet. Thank God there are dogs in the house!

Seriously!!! What The Fuck man!!!!! 
I seriously don't know whether the daughter is really sick or is it a scam. If the daughter is really sick I hope he can get to the hospital as soon as possible and sorry for not helping.

 I know it is possible for him to have no money with him. But why he have to come to 11th floor to ask for S$50 ?! Don't tell me the entire 13th and 12th floor was empty. Or maybe they know him so that's why they don't even bother to open the door.

Or why don't just take a cab to the school and borrow from the teacher. Somebody they know, at least the teacher know his daughter. Why have to knock on a total strangers home???


READ MORE - Scary..

Crystal Jade Kitchen Singapore (with bus incident)

Went to SG to give my bf surprise for his birthday.

Unfortunately around 15 minutes before the bus reached Pagoh we heard a very loud banging noise! When we got down it was very shocking to see the bus window was cracked!!!! I seriously don't understand how a stone could crashed on a moving  bus window very accurately in the middle of the dark on highway..

See the hole on the bus window!!

Few minutes after we take off from Pagoh the bus driver eventually stop and kicked out the glasses. So the bus was windowless until we arrived Malaysia Immigration and changed to another bus. While all of us on the bus have this same kind of expression. 

On 19 I treat baby for a Chinese dinner. Should have save the money and spend it in Dragon I or something. The food sucks!

Worse Crab in the crab history!!

This shop has the best Crab ever!! Mell Ben

Singapore style Chilli crab. They should call it Lemon grass crab.
I think they purposely try to drowned the crab!

Pattaya Shark Fin. Another sucky dishes. Tho they put few slices of shark fin it doesn't compensate for the sucky taste.

Too oily. And worse Sambal Belachan food I've ever tasted in this entire universe!

The only edible food. Deep fried pork with cereal.

Total spend for this sucky food S$122.
This sucky food can be found at Crystal Jade Kitchen (orchard)

P/s; Gonna cook a nice meal for you in KL baby dear =)
READ MORE - Crystal Jade Kitchen Singapore (with bus incident)