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Soap & Glory Girligo Body Moisturizing Mist

Humidity is a big issue here :( You can be sticky and smelly just by sitting down!!! To prevent the stickiness problem, air-con are placed everywhere... Downside for this is obviously the drying effect it can do to our beautiful skin. Drying=wrinkles!!! I love the idea of wearing lotion. With lotion my skin is smoother more moisturize and best of all smell amazingly delicious! 


What I really hate the most about body lotion is the fact that they are thick and creamy. I have to spend minutes to rub the lotion until it is completely absorbed. I skip applying my lotion routine pretty often until I met S&G Girligo Body Moisturizing Mist! I may be biased here because the scent alone enough to drive me crazy!

This body moisturizing mist literally cut your lotion applying into half! 

The mist is available in one size only which is 250ml. The smaller version (100ml) is included in a travel set. I really can't remember how much I bought the 250ml size. But the price shouldn't exceed RM35. Never thought I would love this so much so I don't even bother to remember the price.

For the ingredients conscious people :)

Now lets move to the WHY I love this product so  much!!

The scent! The scent is really amazingly good! This might be subjective but if you got influenced by my review you should take a sniff before purchasing ;) The mist is scented with a blend of bergamot, peach, strawberry, jasmine, mandarin and musk. By reading only the scent description I wouldn't have any idea on how the smell will actually turn out. To make it simple, the mist is sweet, florally and fresh.. The scent might be a little overwhelming at first but after few minutes it will reduce to a soft feminine smell. LOl I hope you get the type of smell I am trying to describe. 

The mist function a little similar to perfume lotion. Having scent that will last for hours with easier application. The scent will last ALL DAY LONG! I first sprayed this on without hoping much but to my surprise after 12 hours of shopping the scent still lingers!!

Since this is in mist form, it is light in texture. It will be absorbed by the skin super fast! Just spray and rub! No hassle! ;) You don't have to put so much effort in rubbing to get the product fully absorb into the skin. Great ain't?

Even though, in mist form and the applying time is reduced it didn't make your skin less smooth. Your skin will still be as smooth as using the conventional lotion. Say YAY to smoother, and yummier scented skin

No matter how much I love this product, I still have a few complaints ;p

The bottle is a little too big for my hand! It is so hard to hold and spritz the product at the same time :(

I literally apply this as if it is a lotion, if I spread the mist every time after a single spritz the bottle often slip off my hand because it is slippery. So, I spritz the mist all over my body before spreading it evenly. Unfortunately spritzing it all over my body before spreading will result in dripping :( Watery = dripping

As much as I love the scent, this come in one scent only. If you are the kind who love to be special then bumping into someone that smell similar to you might not be a good idea eh?

It is kinda hard to get your hand on this :( Since we only have one Sephora in Malaysia.
The scent might be too strong for some. I have to agree on this. But if you love something there is nothing you cannot do to make it work out. Am I right? ;)

How I wish this mist is equip with SPF!!! It will be perfect!

Have you tried this before? If you do share with me how do you apply this.. ;D If you don't you should at least take a whiff! YUMMEH!

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