Blog Archive

First Tag Award I've Got

Thanks to Fabulous Aimee for tagging me ;) Well here are the rules,

1. Thank and link back to the person who sent the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award recently discovered bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

Now let me share some funny or shall I call it silly facts about myself ;p I am being honest and I hope I am not offending anyone. If I do then...LOL ;p 

ONE,I LOVE SLEEPING! I can sleep for more than 12 hours even if I am not tired. When I have nothing to do I just sleep. Not productive. I know.
TWO, I love the sweaty scent of my boyfriend ;p Lol I don't know why but if I love a man I love his smell so MUCH.
THREE, I love drinking. A good drinking and chatting (NOT GOSSIPING) session is a must at least once a month.
FOUR, I party hard but I am not afraid of staying at home with a good book over the weekend. Just me and my book and perhaps a tree ;p

Fyi, the picture doesn't do any justice. Of course I am prettier than that LOL (I wish)

FIVE, I get used to saying "fuck" a whole LOT. Now I am cutting it down and avoid using the word AT ALL COST (still trying). When I am happy I use that word too.. Not good..Not good.
SIX, I look as fierce as shit to avoid being whistled at when I walk alone. I HATE THAT! Chin up Chest out LOL
SEVEN, I sometimes tend to over stare at beautiful girls ;p LOL I just admire the beauty of others. For guys, I tend to stare at you if you look like a nerd with a cute smile. HAHAHAHA!!! I love nerds ;)

Favourite tee of mine!

I hope you have fun reading my ramblings ;p

Now, I will give the award to the bloggers below :

Ladies feel free to share 7 fun facts about yourself! To those who I didn't tag feel free to do so if you have the time. Leave me a comment if you have write a post okay with the link ?? I want to know 7 facts about you!!!! ;D

Have a great Tuesday!!!!