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Are New Yorkers Too Hair-Obsessed? And My Little Black Book to the Rescue

On Monday, the New York Times published an article about a rash of "hair extension" thieves. This doesn't surprise me in the least because wherever I go, hair is the topic du jour.

I admit the world I live in is a little strange and perhaps I have selective hearing. A week ago on Bedford, I saw a man talking into his cell phone about which gel he liked to use. He didn't want any products with alcohol in them. I recently overheard two young women comparing hairdressers next to me on the subway, and learned one had paid more than $400 for a visit to Miss Jessie's. Across New York, I am overhearing men and women alike comparing stylists, hairstyles and products. You would think we would be too embarrassed to display our narcissism, but nope! I myself have spent hours trading notes with my roommates on potential hairdressers, and their respective pluses and minuses.

It is c-r-a-z-y. Vanity has its limits. In California, I don't know a single person who pays more than $100 for a basic haircut. In New York, this is the norm and when you try to cut corners on beauty services, you could end up with the worst dye job of your life dead.

But I will unearth one address from my little black book. If you need a simple and cheap haircut, I  recommend going to Thai New York Spa in Queens. Just ask for 'em to cut straight across, no layers. The price is only $20 for a haircut and Bee is hot.
