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Mr & Ms Dappy Foot Peel (Beauty Foot Lotion)

I won this foot peel early March this year via a Facebook contest organized by Eternity Malaysia. I tried it right away as soon as I got it because I have a friend who tried it before and told me this stuff is a miracle. 

 You can get this from SaSa. It is priced at RM69.80 Kinda pricey, since this product is to be used only once..No re-use (kinda like condom=.=). Plus, you wouldn't know how well the product will work for you. They kinda exaggerating a little on girl's expression illustrated on the box. don't you think so? Wait until you see my feet. Then you tell me how you feel! ;p 

A box of the foot peel contain two bags of 'gel' for you to wrap your feet in. They call it gel but the stuff inside are pretty liquid to me. The smell.. Yucks, the scent is similar to the multi purpose strong glue or what I personally call "elephant glue" ;p

The bags are sealed. You have to cut and remove the adhesive tape and wrap it nicely so that the liquid doesn't flow out.

 Soak you feet in it for 60 to 90 minutes. You might want to stay in sitting position because by lying down I am afraid the liquid might flow out from the bags.

After 90 minutes I took them off. I didn't notice any difference :(

Next day after my shower, I noticed some parts start to become flaky. The peeling process begins! Yay!

This is how my feet look like on day 2.

Day 4

Day 6

Day 7

After Day 7, I just lost track and stop snapping photos. I recall that it took around 2 weeks for my feet to look normal again. I avoided heels and slippers because my peeling skin look super ugly! Btw, the upper part of my feet does peel of too. Now they are as smooth as baby skin. Good news for the foot fetish aye? ;p

Now, for the ingredients conscious people ;)


The Pros:
  • This really works. It peels every single inch of the skin on my feet. Leaving them soft (use lotion more often to maintain).
  • Painless way to remove those unwanted dead skin.
  • No hassle. Just Wrap and Wait ;)
The Cons:
  • Pretty expensive for some RM69.80 (you can get this foot peel from SaSa)
  • You might leave your skin every where in the house if you are not using house slippers! LOL!
There is nothing much to comment because this product is pretty good and does its job well.
If you have bad feet, or just want to get rid of the dead skin and you consider RM69.80 worth it. Give this product a try ;)

Jessying, one of my beauty blogger friend just set up a fan page for her blog. Do join! she often have giveaway compared to me ;p Hehehe. She attends zillions of events too!

Don't forget to join my Giveaway!!