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Rihanna to Wear Bunny Mask Designed by Alexis Bittar

 Lady Gaga in an Alexis Bittar mask via Formichetti's Blog
Jewelry designer Alexis Bittar, whose fans include both Michelle Obama and Lady Gaga, is helping yet another pop star transform her look. At a special breakfast to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Lucite in New York, Bittar announced he was designing a "bunny" mask for Rihanna's tour.

When pressed for details, Bittar said, "We're just finalizing the design with her stylist Mel Ottenberg." He couldn't share any more information.

Is Rihanna trying to be more like Lady Gaga?  Gaga has worn various pieces by Bittar in the past. In any case, his mask is sure to be a hit with Rihanna's fans.

Bittar is the King of Lucite and a brilliant fellow. But will the mask have ears? And will the ears be perky or floppy? It's anyone's guess.

Here's a video of the designer talking about his career:

ALEXIS BITTAR- Past and Present from Alexis Bittar on Vimeo.

--Annie Wilner