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Happy News + Psst!

Did you miss me?

Yesterday was my birthday, and I wanted to take the day to enjoy myself. I am back to writing today and so happy to talk to all of you. I have a short story coming out in an anthology in September and although I don't know the exact title of the book yet, needless to say, I am thrilled to have my writing appear in a book (again).

Also, I have been eating my way through Williamsburg, and so I think you might enjoy doing as I do, and eating at Lighthouse and Traif. To be honest, it would be pretty hard to get fat at either of these fashionable restaurants. The "big" salad at Lighthouse was just medium-sized. My entree at Traif had, uh, four scallops. Totally yum though. Adore the new spots!


My stream of free beauty products continues, but you know what I"m kind of excited about...products no one knows about..SECRETS! One new perfume I am keeping under wraps until tomorrow, but the other product I can tell you about today.

Beauty brand skinnyskinny is going to launch an organic face serum very soon. I haven't tried it yet myself, but the company owner Clara Williams uses the serum and every time I see Clara inside her shop in Williamsburg, she is drop-dead gorgeous.  There are plenty of cute gals around, but Clara has some of the "best" skin in the neighborhood. Her face glows like an angel.

She told me yesterday that she hopes to launch the serum in a few weeks. In the meantime, she is very busy shipping boxes and boxes of her amazing fancy, fragrant dry shampoo. It's always cool visiting the skinnyskinny store on 129 Roebling Street because her shop perfumes the whole block.

A picture of Google search results for "skinnyskinny face serum." Proof that you are hearing about this product on Eyeshadow Government first.