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El Cerdo, Bukit Bintang (oink oink heaven!)

This is a non halal post.
Not a food review but just want to let you drool! ;p  Ages since I last posted on food huh? Mainly because I have nothing special to share but now I do ;p We went to El Cerdo (the website is cute!!) for a small porcine delight. Yummeh!

43&45 Changkat Bukit Bintang50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2145 0511

Piggies lovers will enjoy the ambiance of the place as piggies figurines and pictures are everywhere! Well at least I do ;p
Mona Lisa in piggy style ;p Impressive

Notty piggy!!! Is that how they do it? hmm..

Loving the spread!!


One Plate of 4 different Mini Sausages-Farmer, Thuringer, German Pepper, Spicy Lyonner Sausage with Sauerkraut aka sour cabbage (no wonder it tasted like salted veggie :/)

Spaghetti with mixed seafood in Lobster Cream.

A year since I last tasted foie gras LOL.

I swallow and savour every bit of it. So Delicious! Heavenly. I prefer it medium rare tho..This is not available in the menu. If I am not wrong they ordered it from the opposite restaurant. 

Cochinillo Al Estilo Segoviano aka Roasted Suckling Pig (portion for 2).

The piggy is marinated in white wine for 2 days so the skin will be crispy and the meat will be tender (I am surprised!) and roasted for 4 hours. To test on how crispy and tender the pork is we use a plate to cut it ;)

It came with two side dishes, fresh green salad with balsamic vinegar and baked potatoes.

Chopping process ;p
First I have to knock the plate 3 times before chopping the pork ( I have no idea why..) To prove that the pork is really crispy, instead with a knife, I chopped the pork with a plate! The pork skin is super crispy indeed! and the meat is tender too. DELICIOUS!

Knock three times and cut!

The ear is good! Trust me ;D
The ear is good! Trust me ;D

Spanish wine.
Recommended by him. He said it is good for beginner ;p

Check the food menu for more!
One of the thing I love about the place aside from the food, is the culture. In Greek they often smash plate for good luck. Since I figure out I need lots of luck I go for it. Kinda embarrassing but it's all good. My pictures with awkward faces LOL!

His plate crashed!

My turn!

Complimentary cocktail ;) 

I was told that the glasses used to be bigger :'(

Yeap it was my birthday, so they sang birthday song followed by oink oink after every verse. Cuteee.

Food are good. Not too bad for the price because I was told bill came up to RM400plus. Blame the wine! Minus the wine, I guess the bill will come up to only RM200plus which is waaay cheaper compared to Las Caretas my favourite Mexican restaurant. And the porky, filled my stomach waaay beyond words. I barely can move after dinner =.=
Thank you for the dinner mr, handsome!

For me the west suckling pig is different from the traditional Chinese suckling pig. You have to taste it for yourself. Both are equally good! 
Word of advise; go in bigger group (min of 4). Order half of suckling pork and many other extra dishes. For me I get sick of eating too much pork towards the end lol! So to fully enjoy every single dishes the more people you go with the more food you get to taste without the bloated feeling ;p

Thank you for the company Yoona and Doven!

Any other places recommendation?