Bluunis Brow Embroidery

Not too sure on how well you know what embroidery is. I'm not too sure either actually. I don't even know what type of gel they use, how the hell the color stick with you for years but its not permanent. Well I'm curious. I saw some pretty horrible eyebrow tattooed before but some people assured that embroidery will be different. It will be natural looking. Like what the beautician said and I quote " It will make you pretty and beautiful" hahaha =P

Well I admit I didn't do a lot of research. But I saw few did the eyeliner embroidery and the result was not bad. So after much thought and saving money I went ahead and went to Bluunis. It was sad for me to part with my money ='(

I went in with the thought of having only upper eyeliner done which will cost me RM486 for the thin one (1 line). But as you know I am quite weak when it comes to temptation. And I fall for it. Instead paying for RM486 I end up paying RM1228 for upper and lower liner embroidery and brow embroidery :( Both eyeliner are the single line liner.

I read few reviews on lower liner embroidery and most of them said don't go for it. The pain will be excruciating they said. Well I couldn't disagree. I hope I was dead when they were poking my eyes!! The needle that they used is more like a small saw.

I'm not too sure on the steps in other saloon. But in Bluunis they will draw the shape of your brow with pencil. So that you can decide which shape you like best. After agreeing only then they will proceed with the poking =P. They will apply white color gel to numb your skin. This is REALLY HELPFUL! If not seriously I can guaranty you will stop half way man!

First I did my eyebrow. They apply the gel. Wrap it and leave it for 20 minutes. 
She did my left eyebrow first because it is harder to shape. Btw, the numbness will last for 10 minutes only. So she have to be fast. After the 10 minutes do expect a little pain. Eyebrow embroidery took about 45 minutes. I am okay with this. It was not that painful. I guess that's why a lot of people choose to do eyebrow over eyeliner huh?
This is how it look like after the embroidery. 
Damn UGLY!!! But they said the color will fade by 50% after 1 week. Gosh!!! I can't wait for 1 week to be over! It is damn embarrassing to go to college!! Everybody seem to notice my eyebrow!!!! Argh!

Then next will be the eyeliner.

Eyeliner embroidery will only take about 10 minutes. Imagine if it took longer. I think I would have died! The gel make my eyes hurts. Like when you chop onion. First she did my right eyes then my left. BUT unfortunately after the left one she realized the right side wasn't as thick as the left one. So she start poking my right lower liner and the effect of the white gel was almost gone!! I swear I could die! You wanna cry but you can't coz your eyes are numb!!
 Seriously it hurts like hell! But seeing the result I felt much relieved..  :) Not bad actually.

This pictures were taken after 24 hours.

The eyeliner nice huh? I hope the eyebrow will be nice too. If not I'll be dead man!
For my eyebrow they used Coffee Brown and for my eyeliner they use Natural.

For 2 days I cannot eat seafood and have to keep my eye area dry. It will start to peel off after 2 days. I'm scared!!!

If you can bear with the pain I suggest go for eyeliner. If you are not too sure which size you should go for the eyeliner try the thin one first. If you are not satisfied with it you can top up RM100 to get the second line (medium). =) Rather then go full swing and take the thick one straight away.

I will post up my pictures to show how the color change and so on =)