Update on my eyebrow ;p

It has been 1 week plus since I did my embroidery. But pictures below are taken on 10/7/2010. 4 days after I did my embroidery.

See the beginning and the end start to peel off already. This is my right eyebrow. This one is not as painful as the left one. I think the beautician accidentally injured me =(
The color really reduce to 50% as they mentioned! Yay! I hate it when the color is to thick and dark.

This is the left one. Btw, the whitish thing on my brow are cream given by Bluunis. It is to be applied 7-9 times a day. But I only apply it 3 times. Too lazy and sometimes I forget. Notice the end? My skin like split into two! Thats where it hurts the most =( But after a week it is much better. Due to the color start peeling off, my eyebrow tone become uneven. This is when eyebrow pencil is a must!

At least after few days the color start to peel off, they are not as dark as it used to be. The first few days I have to bow my head whenever I am in college. And when people stare I feel like poking their eyes out!

For my eyeliners, the upper ones stay. But the lower ones vanish without a trace!! Shit!
As you can see in the picture below, you can't even tell that I did my embroidery before!!

I got freaked out! It was RM280 for my lower liner!! I called them and they said normally for eyeliner the color won't stay. But after the second touch up it will definitely stay. So we'll wait and see then. Urgh! I don't look forward for the next touch up tho. Painful =( 
I might ask them to make my eyebrow a bit thicker at the end. The line is so thin! Barely can see!

ps: I bought a make up storage/box a few days ago. From purple glitz. Will be blogging about that soon =) quite affordable compare to all those branded ones such as MAC, Shu Uemura, etc..

NOTE: I'm looking for Alice in the Wonderland eye make up palette by Urban Decay! This limited edition baby were sold out everywhere!! =( I want it brand new UNTOUCHED! (yea..yea.. I know Im kinda late to the party..)