My Favourite Laksa Sarawak!

I realized I didn't write about food for such a long long time! Well, I have gone crazy over make ups and facial products recently after I hit 22 =P Self conscious I guess. After browsing through my holiday pictures taken when I went back to my hometown, Miri last June I decided to share with you the kopitiam that serve the best Laksa Sarawak and Mixed pork soup =)

I totally forget the name of the shop. But it is located near a Petronas petrol station on the way to Miri Airport.  Miri have a lot of kopitiams serving laksa, pork soup and kolok mee, but personally I find this shop is the best! The foods are actually prepared by different stall.

I think the one above is Kue Tiaw soup..

My favourite! Laksa Sarawak! They serve the best sambal =) I didn't eat there for almost 2 years. And during my last visit it was disappointing. I asked for more sambal and the tauke gave me sour face while handing it over! She used to be so nice. Maybe it was the time of the month where red aunties pay her a visit..
The gravy is heavenly! Slrrrpppp....

I love this soup. The owner is generous with the ingredient. You can really taste and feel your body heat up due to the generous amount of rice wine added to the soup

3 color Teh Si =)

I will update the name of the kopitiam in September when I go back for Raya holiday =P