Tri-tone Nails

My new nail design. Well not a new design. But this is my first time trying to make it own my own =D
It was pretty easy. And the result is awesome. I think =P

Some of the picture might be blur. Sorry in advance.

First of all you will need a cheap sponge =D Go and grab the sponge your mom normally use in the kitchen. I got mine from Giant. RM0.99 for 5 pieces!!

Then cut into 3X3 cube :)

After applying base coat etc.. I applied Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear as the base for my color.

Then I use Violet Red no37 from Elianto. I paint some of the nail polish on the edge of the sponge. Don't apply to much. Then I dabbed the sponge on my nails. I try to blend the colors so it wouldn't look to awkward =)

After I'm done with the purple. I repeat the same process for black color nail polish. Dabbed it on my finger with the sponge. This time focusing on the tip of my finger nails. Then tadaaa!!! I'm done! Easy peasy!

If you like you can apply top coat to make it shinier! Love those shimmy shimmy colors!

Updated: For a more even application, instead of applying your nail polish directly to the sponge, you can actually apply the nail polish on a sheet of plastic (or paper etc) and lightly dab the sponge on the polish before dabbing it on your nail.