Tembre, Singapore (and Singapore Flea Market)

Not much writing. Enjoy the pictures =P

Went to the flea market in Singapore for the first time. The place was packed! And it was freaking hot!!! No AC. It was held in Old School, Mt Sophia.

The flea market was waaay better than the one they had in KL. More stuff and cheap as well. Loving it! Can't wait for the next event!!! Bought few dresses! Yay!!

The DJs

Baby's friends were there as well. One of them sells toys. 

Meet Dave

Meet Henry

Meet Alwyn and his new 7D!

Meet Danny

Meet Desmond

Then head off for drinks with baby's friends in Tembre near by Fort Canning.

Don Juilo and Daiquiri on the rock.

And the usual beers.. On the left is Cider beer. (I hope I spell that right) I added a bit of Tabasco. It was good =P hahaha..

Ordered Sirloin Steak. Bad food!! I ordered medium rare but when they served it became well done!! Haih....

Baby ordered Hot Sausage Pasta. Not good. I miss Las Caretas they have really good foods, good service and good drinks!