Singapore Nandos

I love Nandos. God knows how much I love their Peri Sauce. 
But Nandos in Singapore left me wanting no more... First of all the prices are almost the same with the one in KL. As in RM=SGD... And yes I know.. all the rental, overhead cost...yadaa..yadaa... Thats not all. At least price is not a big deal for Singaporean.. The main issue is the services they provide. Sucks big time.

Well, I seriously think they have enough staffs to attend all the customers. Yes they are busy but main thing I noticed was they just don't fucking care! Let me give you an illustration. Customer wants to pay. Asked for bill, gave his/ her credit card. 15 minutes later after charging the credit card the staff don't even bother to give it back to the customer. Customer wanted to leave but can't, while in the mean time there is a long queue outside the restaurant. Customers waiting to be seated. Or food ordered ready to be served, but the staffs are busy with other things. In the end foods are no longer hot when served. I have endless complains for Nandos in Singapore. If you want to experienced it go dine in yourself. They don't even say sorry when they forget to serve your order.  Fuck Singapore Nandos. I will never go back to that outlet. Nonetheless, they have something extra in their menu. I ordered Cataplana and its not bad. But the quarter chicken with 2 sidelines was bad.

ps: I have more product reviews coming up but I am too lazy to blog =(