My Water Moments

Have you ever wish you had a DSLR whenever you are on a vacation? You wish that you had those big bulky camera with those super long lens that sometimes or should I say most of the time super much heavier than the camera body itself to capture those wonderful moments? Well, long time ago I dream of having one. After I had one and bring it for holiday I realized how wrong I was! =(

BUT! Since I had been crying like a baby to my BF, he bought me a DSLR. Even when none of us really know how to use it. Hahaha.

First and foremost, I am no photographer nor I have any skills. Even with my point and shot pink Lumix I use Auto mode *sigh*
Secondly, I hate reading facts, so aperture, camera setting etc.. ARE boring. I have no passion for it. 
Thirdly, I have fragile shoulder. I don't even carry handbag that weight more than 1kg! And tell me how am I supposed to carry that bulky camera around? Most important reason.. *ahem.should I tell??* Okay... I am CARELESS =( I can't count with my fingers how many time I have actually dropped my pink camera..

I went to Phuket earlier this year with my DSLR and it was no fun. Wanna know why??? WANNA KNOW WHY?

Phuket supposed to be sea, beach, snorkeling, taking picture with the corals.
Sadly, I have to remember all that in my brain. Which I'm sure as I grow old it will become rusty and all I remember " yea Phuket was pretty good"

And... This was the closest picture to reflect that I had a good 'water' time in Phuket
Me fully equipped with snorkeling gear. Even flippers. But I had no waterproof camera. Such a waste. I planned to get a waterproof cover for my DSLR but the price made me cringe! I'm sure if I have TX5 I would probably be in the water taking the corals instead of myself *sigh*

And the closest shot with the fishes..

or rather the closest shot OF the fishes.

I did have fun.
But it will be different if I have SONY TX5!!!!

Wanna know why???
First, I can do everything yes everything in auto mode! Even when I don't know how to use it, it will still produce wonderful images. I love sunset and it can capture the perfect twilight shots for me!!!

Secondly, it can capture wonderful pictures in low light condition, which will be perfect for clubbing vain photo taking session!

Thirdly, the panorama sweep!!!! Argh!!! The most cleverest invention ever. Where you just can sweeeeeep and boomz (like ris low said) pretty panoramic view!! I wish I had TX5 when I went to Jogja, Phuket, HK and Macau this year ='(

Fourth, it is shock-proof!! Damn good for me! Im 160cm and TX5 is shock-proof up to 1.5m. Such a perfect match don't you think? Hehehe..
Fifth, it is water-proof!!! The type of camera that I really need all this while! But non of them were perfect until you came along TX5! How many times I've been to Sunway Lagoon and end up with no photos to bring back. All because I'm too scared I will drop it or drown my camera.

Besides that, it is also temperature-proof. Good for me since I plan to go China sometime next year. Hehehe. And dust-proof...

Plus, it has wide lens!!! Trust me you can capture yourself from head to toe!!! Your whole outfit! I've tried it for my vain camwhoring session!!
And they have it in Pink!! My favourite color from Sony =D

Like I always say "what more do you want from a men" which in this case, "how much more can u asked from a camera"!

Imagine its sleek, so light body. With this I will never have to worry about my shoulder ache anymore. And yes! At last I can have a camera to bring out wherever or whenever I go out!

If you want to know more about this pretty baby go to the TX5 link!