Bad Service

If you read my blog you will know that I am waiting for my reusable sanitary pad to arrive. Its in my reusable sanitary pad post. I was damn curious to try it out okay. But now I don't think I will be able to try it out! Because other than this website I seriously don't know where to get it in Malaysia!

Seriously they are the most inefficient website I ever bought from!! Not only they reply my enquiries and order late. As in MORE THAN 24 hours!!!! They suppose to be efficient!They are using .com for God sake! Don't they have any reputation to keep??? Even some blogshop did better.

I use registered mail. Normally it will take only 5 days! But since I paid on 15June 2010 I didn't receive anything from them! I emailed them 2 days ago and guess.. They haven't reply me!!!!! DAMN it!
READ MORE - Bad Service

Tembre, Singapore (and Singapore Flea Market)

Not much writing. Enjoy the pictures =P

Went to the flea market in Singapore for the first time. The place was packed! And it was freaking hot!!! No AC. It was held in Old School, Mt Sophia.

The flea market was waaay better than the one they had in KL. More stuff and cheap as well. Loving it! Can't wait for the next event!!! Bought few dresses! Yay!!

The DJs

Baby's friends were there as well. One of them sells toys. 

Meet Dave

Meet Henry

Meet Alwyn and his new 7D!

Meet Danny

Meet Desmond

Then head off for drinks with baby's friends in Tembre near by Fort Canning.

Don Juilo and Daiquiri on the rock.

And the usual beers.. On the left is Cider beer. (I hope I spell that right) I added a bit of Tabasco. It was good =P hahaha..

Ordered Sirloin Steak. Bad food!! I ordered medium rare but when they served it became well done!! Haih....

Baby ordered Hot Sausage Pasta. Not good. I miss Las Caretas they have really good foods, good service and good drinks!

READ MORE - Tembre, Singapore (and Singapore Flea Market)

Singapore Nandos

I love Nandos. God knows how much I love their Peri Sauce. 
But Nandos in Singapore left me wanting no more... First of all the prices are almost the same with the one in KL. As in RM=SGD... And yes I know.. all the rental, overhead cost...yadaa..yadaa... Thats not all. At least price is not a big deal for Singaporean.. The main issue is the services they provide. Sucks big time.

Well, I seriously think they have enough staffs to attend all the customers. Yes they are busy but main thing I noticed was they just don't fucking care! Let me give you an illustration. Customer wants to pay. Asked for bill, gave his/ her credit card. 15 minutes later after charging the credit card the staff don't even bother to give it back to the customer. Customer wanted to leave but can't, while in the mean time there is a long queue outside the restaurant. Customers waiting to be seated. Or food ordered ready to be served, but the staffs are busy with other things. In the end foods are no longer hot when served. I have endless complains for Nandos in Singapore. If you want to experienced it go dine in yourself. They don't even say sorry when they forget to serve your order.  Fuck Singapore Nandos. I will never go back to that outlet. Nonetheless, they have something extra in their menu. I ordered Cataplana and its not bad. But the quarter chicken with 2 sidelines was bad.

ps: I have more product reviews coming up but I am too lazy to blog =(
READ MORE - Singapore Nandos

My Water Moments

Have you ever wish you had a DSLR whenever you are on a vacation? You wish that you had those big bulky camera with those super long lens that sometimes or should I say most of the time super much heavier than the camera body itself to capture those wonderful moments? Well, long time ago I dream of having one. After I had one and bring it for holiday I realized how wrong I was! =(

BUT! Since I had been crying like a baby to my BF, he bought me a DSLR. Even when none of us really know how to use it. Hahaha.

First and foremost, I am no photographer nor I have any skills. Even with my point and shot pink Lumix I use Auto mode *sigh*
Secondly, I hate reading facts, so aperture, camera setting etc.. ARE boring. I have no passion for it. 
Thirdly, I have fragile shoulder. I don't even carry handbag that weight more than 1kg! And tell me how am I supposed to carry that bulky camera around? Most important reason.. *ahem.should I tell??* Okay... I am CARELESS =( I can't count with my fingers how many time I have actually dropped my pink camera..

I went to Phuket earlier this year with my DSLR and it was no fun. Wanna know why??? WANNA KNOW WHY?

Phuket supposed to be sea, beach, snorkeling, taking picture with the corals.
Sadly, I have to remember all that in my brain. Which I'm sure as I grow old it will become rusty and all I remember " yea Phuket was pretty good"

And... This was the closest picture to reflect that I had a good 'water' time in Phuket
Me fully equipped with snorkeling gear. Even flippers. But I had no waterproof camera. Such a waste. I planned to get a waterproof cover for my DSLR but the price made me cringe! I'm sure if I have TX5 I would probably be in the water taking the corals instead of myself *sigh*

And the closest shot with the fishes..

or rather the closest shot OF the fishes.

I did have fun.
But it will be different if I have SONY TX5!!!!

Wanna know why???
First, I can do everything yes everything in auto mode! Even when I don't know how to use it, it will still produce wonderful images. I love sunset and it can capture the perfect twilight shots for me!!!

Secondly, it can capture wonderful pictures in low light condition, which will be perfect for clubbing vain photo taking session!

Thirdly, the panorama sweep!!!! Argh!!! The most cleverest invention ever. Where you just can sweeeeeep and boomz (like ris low said) pretty panoramic view!! I wish I had TX5 when I went to Jogja, Phuket, HK and Macau this year ='(

Fourth, it is shock-proof!! Damn good for me! Im 160cm and TX5 is shock-proof up to 1.5m. Such a perfect match don't you think? Hehehe..
Fifth, it is water-proof!!! The type of camera that I really need all this while! But non of them were perfect until you came along TX5! How many times I've been to Sunway Lagoon and end up with no photos to bring back. All because I'm too scared I will drop it or drown my camera.

Besides that, it is also temperature-proof. Good for me since I plan to go China sometime next year. Hehehe. And dust-proof...

Plus, it has wide lens!!! Trust me you can capture yourself from head to toe!!! Your whole outfit! I've tried it for my vain camwhoring session!!
And they have it in Pink!! My favourite color from Sony =D

Like I always say "what more do you want from a men" which in this case, "how much more can u asked from a camera"!

Imagine its sleek, so light body. With this I will never have to worry about my shoulder ache anymore. And yes! At last I can have a camera to bring out wherever or whenever I go out!

If you want to know more about this pretty baby go to the TX5 link!
READ MORE - My Water Moments

Balo Chili Slimming Gel & Body cell Roller

Well to deliver my promise. Here it is Balo Chilli Slimming Gel! =D

This is actually a smaller tube which is 85ml only. They have the 200ml one I think. I bought this for RM7.50. Cheap huh??? I don't know what would the effect be on my skin. Nothing bad I hope *cross finger* I have such a beautiful skin. kekeke.... =P 

 I did googled for reviews on this product before I bought it and no bad review so far. Only good ones. So I feel.. aahhh what the heck.

Lets start with the review.. Hmmmm.. Like in my previous post my skin is not sensitive. I don't feel any warm, hot or burning sensation with Skin Nutrition product. And their product is not cheap! Maybe its me. I have stubborn fats (that's what the Bizzy Body consultant always say).

After I shower, pat dry, I applied this gel. According to reviews written by fellow user =p, it's best to use it little by little to avoid over heating. I followed accordingly. I keep adding until I feel it was useless! Still not hot, not even warm feeling. I gave up. Little did I know 4 hours later. Yes! FOUR hours later my tummy and fingers start to feel hot. Kinda like when you accidentally pinch a chilli with your bare fingers. Ya, like that!

I'm so happy!! At least I found a product that works for me!!! So while the heat is still on I added a bit more =D For me I like the feeling. It feels like my fats are 'dying' and screaming for help. Bwahahaha!!

Actually I don't have a very obvious cellulite, but as a prevention and to slim down a bit more I decided to try. After this tube I might buy the bigger tube (200ml) Then only I write another follow up post. Might buy the SHILLS Body Pop Foam. Kinda sucker for all this Taiwan, Japanese, and Korea products now. When once upon a time I anti them so much! =p

I bought this as well. Cellulite roller =p

 Since I got no money to go for slimming massage twice a week this will do I guess :) I read a review on this that it will actually works if you use it everyday for at least 15minutes. Haih.. long term effect, but what to do no money to spend ='(

ps: remember to use the surgical gloves if you don't want your fingers to get hot.
READ MORE - Balo Chili Slimming Gel & Body cell Roller

Home Slimming Session =p

After 5 days all the items I ordered arrived. In 2 packages actually. Via e-parcel and Pos Express. Both of them arrived on the same day. That shows how efficient our 'pos people' do their job huh?

In the Pos Express was a dress I bought from a online shop. I bought it for RM30. It was on sale. I am a bit disappointed actually. They sold it for RM40 before the clearance, so I expected a good quality dress, well at least not see through ma. =( How can a person sells clothes in this quality, especially with this kind of price tag?? tsk.. Profit you made quick won't last long dear.

 Below is the dress I bought. I grab the pictures from the online shop and didn't informed them, I'm not gonna give credit as well since I'm writing kinda negative comment on their blogshop. 

The dress look damn nice lo! Can't even tell that the quality will turn out to be so 'speechless'..... (--,")
Nonetheless, I still love the dress. Maybe I have to wear my nude color skirt and tube under it.

For the other parcel, I ordered DIY slimming stuff =D 
Gonna write about it in the next post!! So wait for it.. Now off to bath and try Balo Chilli Slimming Gel.Hehehe...
I bought smaller tube, if like it I might buy the 200ml size. Btw, I tried the SHILLS Pop Body Warming Foam in Miri Shopping Mall.It gives you burning and spicy feeling. Should I try that next??? Hmmmm....

 Unlike Skin Nutrition product I bought from BizzyBody for RM80 for 20ml pack I don't even feel any burning or itchy sensation like they said. When I asked why they said and I quote " your fat to thick and stubborn" WTF? At least explain nicer a bit la. After explaining to me like that they expect me to buy the full size RM360! Lu siao ah??

ps: my neck massager also reached d! This is what happen to me when I'm back for holiday in my hometown. Online shopping everyday! And now I'm waiting for 5 more parcels to arrived. Boring life. Stay at home and be a good girl.
READ MORE - Home Slimming Session =p

Wizzit - The Epilator

Another product I found online
 Wizzit ♥  My first epilator ever =P

Main reason I purchased this online was to try out. My BF been complaining that I have ingrown hairs on my armpit and he suggested that I use epilator instead of manually plucking them out with tweezer. I don't want to invest in expensive epilator because I feel I only need it for my armpit.
 For me it wasn't that cheap also lo! It cost me RM59!! When I saw the exact same one with the exact same free gift only for RM29.90!!! Argh!! But it has different branding. This one is Wizzit and the other one I saw was Wizzy. But all the same colors, same free gifts!

Well if you are curious this is how Wizzit look like. I purchased mine from Supermodel-secrets. The owner of the blog was nice =) Might buy from her next time. If there is any sales on =P


Another stupid reason I bought this epilator was for the free gift.

Well it look different in photos. Only few things I found to be useful from the free gifts were the tweezer and nail clipper.

Anyhu.. I will still keep the Wizzit and the gifts. Well here are some pictures showing you the real stuff.

I don't totally regret buying this. First, it really works. Not that efficient but still work.
Second, sometimes when I'm just too lazy I just roll this up and down my armpit with the hope that it will caught some tiny weeny hair and pluck that bastard out of its root!

This epilator seriously is not the best thing in the market. If you have money and shaving is crucial then invest in a good one like Panasonic or Philips. They have more "rotating disc" to pluck out you hair. *did I get that one right?* Like the one below while  Wizzit only have 3 of this rotating.

credit to wikipedia

Wizzit will only be able to pluck out hair which is 2mm or more. Less than that you have to use tweezer. For me, I use Wizzit first followed by tweezer to pluck out the remaining short ones. To use Wizzit 'successfully' I have to angle the epilator or pull my skin taut with the other hand. It does save some times compare to using tweezer alone. Another tips from the seller. Take out the blue cap cover like I did in the picture above. It helps! And use good batteries such as Energizer. 

And thank God I don't really have hair on my arms or legs. Save me a lot of time and money =P

PS: Waiting for the damn website where I supposed to buy my cloth pad to send me invoice. Until now oso haven't send!!
READ MORE - Wizzit - The Epilator

F Cup Cookies

Hello!!! =) 
Just finished my exam for this sem. It will be sucky argh.... expected!

Since I got nothing to do I will review my F Cup Cookies!!! =P It's amazing that all this boobs enhancement stuff came from Japan, and Korea. Maybe all the angmos either already have a BIG pair or they rather go for quick re-do.

Well for me who have small ones and no money for quick re-do, this is what I have to do..

Well, this cookies was a real hit back in 2009. And boy... every girls want to buy one. Almost all online beauty shops sell them. I recall SASA have it around August?September? Retail at RM180 for a box, the big box, I think. I bought mine online from  Hearts Fashion. Bought it together with whitening toothpaste. Not too sure whether the toothpaste really works but it is quite famous in Japan as well. I think I used it less than 3 months then I stop. Too lazy and it doesn't have the minty fresh after brush taste.
But for me it worked better compare to the conventional whitening toothpaste in the market. =)

Back to my cookies.

They have two flavors. Chocolate and Soy Milk. I bought the chocolate one.  Around RM108 I think. BF paid for it since he wants them to be bigger =P
Believe to have EIGHT essential amino acids. And work wonders! Hmmm.. I beg to differ!! I didn't notice any changes in my cup size also!!!

Cookies are packed in individual packaging and you only need to eat 2 bars per day. One in morning and one at night. Said to be in low calorie so it will help you watch your weight at the same time. One of the active ingredients a Prueraria Mirifica. I guess the Japanese just found out about it. While in Thailand, they knew about it long long time ago. No wonder in some part of Thailand the women are gorgeous.. Now I know their secret!

Well, last year I finished up a box. I didn't see any result so I stopped. Quite expensive don't you think?? But for some of my friends they tried it and say that it worked. So I guess different people will see different results :)

It's up to you to try but the cookies taste like stale cookies. Yucks. Anyway might try Kinohimitsu Bust Up soon since a lot of good reviews around me saying that it works :)

PS: I didn't bounced back after I lost my 4 kg! =) I guess SIY really worked! But if you plan to take don't consume more than 3 boxes continuously. Better still, just stop after 3 boxes! =)
READ MORE - F Cup Cookies

Lust List: Chanel Rouge Coco Lipstick in Talisman

I have taken to wearing Chanel lipstick every single day. Today, I added Chanel Rouge Coco lipstick in Talisman to my grocery shopping list. I do believe it is better than lunch. Also, I am looking forward to my haircut on Friday downtown. Been too long.

This Sonia by Sonia Rykiel purse is darling and funny too. I noticed it on Asos.

READ MORE - Lust List: Chanel Rouge Coco Lipstick in Talisman


I will sit for my first paper tomorrow and I am not ready. But I am not making any effort to be ready. Arghh!!!! I am still here writing crap!

Can I produce answer like this???

This will be me during exams

This will be me AFTER EXAM!

READ MORE - Exam..

Now & Then

When I was a little girl,
 I feel love is always around,
When I was a little girl,
I worry about nothing,
When I was a little girl,
I believe in stars,
When I was a little girl,
Dream would take me far away,
When I was a little girl,
Praying makes me better,
When I was a little girl,
Crying makes me stronger,
When I was a little girl, 
They tell me all the truth.

Now I've grown,
No love was never around,
Now I've grown,
I worry about everything,
Now I've grown,
All the stars are dying,
Now I've grown,
I wake up in fear,
Now I've grown,
There is nothing to hold on,
Now I've grown,
Crying makes it worse,
Now I've grown,
Lies are the truth.

One thing I wish for,

When I'm dead,
I won't remember.

READ MORE - Now & Then

Sanitary Pad? Reusable?

Guys, it's best for you if you click the 'x' red button on your upper right corner now. Unless you are okay with "blood, tampons, pads, and how to reuse them" topic ;)

How many of you heard about reusable pad before? Raise you hand!


I come to know about this cloth pad end of last year when it is available to buy online in RM. They really do look pretty but I never really care. Until few minutes ago I was googling 'material used in sanitary pad' I stumbled upon so many reusable pad, cloth pad, washable pad etc.. ( I have no idea why am I suddenly interested in the material used tho..) entries.

One of many reasons they start introducing this pad is to support or more precisely to go green by stop using the disposable ones. I have no idea that a woman will use on average 12000 pads their whole life. Well not including someone like me who change my pantyliner few times a day *ahem* . Now the question is how far will you go to actually go green?  Changes is hard. For me I love and support Earth Hour, start using shopping bag to carry stuff instead of plastic bag, recycle paper etc.. but using reusable pad? I'm not so sure.

The image of me dying trying hard to remove the blood stains make me cringe. Ewwww.. Imagine you are at that time of the month and you are outside working, in college, shopping. Suddenly you need a change. You will have to pack it and keep it in your bag! Pretty disgusting to me!

I read somewhere that when you are using the cloth pad it doesn't stink as much as the disposable ones. I wonder how true. You will need 2 compartments to keep it. For the clean one and the used one. For cleaning, they do sell special kind of detergent to get rid of the blood easily.

I might give the pad a try within this 2 months. Since almost all women that have tried the cloth pad mentioned that they will stop using the disposable one because its easier to use, money saver, eco friendly and surprisingly comfortable.

 They even have this MLM issue where they are recruiting guys to sell the pad to women. Cool! Hahaha =p

They have few different type of pads and tampons =P YES they have tampons!!
Similar to disposable ones they have overnight pad, day pad, heavy flow etc..

The normal pad with wings. 

Cute and colorful huh?

Thongs.. Maybe I'll try this.

2 IN 1 panty with pad

And here come the most freaky one!!!

These actually look cute. Something that look like pussy cat's fur ball.

An honest review on this will be coming up after I try the reusable pad =D
READ MORE - Sanitary Pad? Reusable?