As a journalist, I got a jump on the holiday by eating the press samples I received in the mail. Heart-shaped chocolate tastes soooo delicious!
A box of fresh Jacques Torres chocolate will surely be a hit with your honey.
Buy it: Jacques' Choice sampler box by Jacques Torres ($19.20), specialty food stores or Mrchocolate.com.
Dana B. Myers, the lady behind the independent beauty brand Booty Parlor, will be reading from her new book, "Mojo Makeover: Four Weeks to a Sexier You," tomorrow at the Kips Bay/Murray Hill Borders in New York at 7 pm.
I expect the event will be a little ooh la la, but also quite funny. Tori Spelling and Jennifer Love Hewitt are fans of Dana's line. I hope to try out her Pink Caviar scrub soon. (Love the name!)