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Night Water Pack Sleeping Mask from Beauty Credit

Need to pamper your skin? Need to do that mask routine? But HUGE reason stopping you? I know mine is definitely laziness!
 Main reason is I always doze off when I am using mask. I don't normally use sheet mask because I find them to be so nourishing. Most of the mask I tried tends to break me out :( Imagine relaxing and reading book for 30 minutes on the bed. That amount of time is enough to make me doze off. And after one hour later (if I happen to wake up) I have to drag my feet to the bathroom to wash off the mask... Really painful thing to do.. 

When I was in Singapore, one of my friend introduced this sleeping mask to me (coz he know I'm lazy). I was thrilled knowing that I can sleep with this mask and wash it off in the morning (or afternoon ;p) when I wake up!

So I marched to Beauty Credit store in Sunway Pyramid when I got back to Sunway and bought Night Water Pack sleeping maskpack.

What they said:

The Night Water Pack with Relaxing Herb Tea calms and relaxes you to sleep with aromatheraphy properties, while it soothes and regenerates your skin throughout the night. It contains extracts of Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Willow Herbs and Artemesia exquisites herbs used in essential oils that give you the calming scented ambiance of a luxurious spa.

What they said:

The Night Water Pack with Relaxing Herb Tea calms and relaxes you to sleep with aromatheraphy properties, while it soothes and regenerates your skin throughout the night. It contains extracts of Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Willow Herbs and Artemesia exquisites herbs used in essential oils that give you the calming scented ambiance of a luxurious spa.

It also helps to open clogged pores, neutralizes bacteria and reduces discomforts of inflamed, sensitive or acne skin.  

What I say:

The mask is pearly white in color. Medium thick in consistency hence easy to apply. 

I apply this mask in circular motion, the same way how I would apply my moisturizer. After rubbing it in for a few seconds you can actually see the thick product (above) will turn into water drops (which amaze me ;p). After that I will continue to pat the product until they are fully absorb by my skin.

Please ignore the bruise. No idea where I got that from....

The Yay!
The mask works for me. It makes my skin feels moisturized the next day. My skin does feel refreshed compared to the night before. I normally use this after night of partying or drinking (drinking really dehydrates your body you know?). I will wash my face and just pat this and go to bed ;) Next day my skin feels very much hydrated already. So far good for the price. Plus the tube is sealed. Keep the product inside fresh ;)

The Nay :(

The smell.. oh gosh the SMELL! Really really really strong! I would STRONGLY recommend to anybody who would be interested in purchasing this, to take a sniff of this product first. It is not a bad smell. Really. In fact the smell is REALLY good. Just that a bit too strong for my liking. It feels as if I am splashing perfumes on my face. Sometimes at certain time of the month this mask breaks me out a little :( Too nourishing I guess :/


Despite of the cons, I like this product. Well, I will give it 6/10. Recently, I bought another sleeping mask from Nature Republic. Gonna review it after few weeks of using. Now I am using this product on my hands, my legs and neck. At least the smell won't be as strong as putting it on my face :)

I do realize that this mask is not available in smaller city like my hometown (Miri) so for those who don't know where to purchase this you can get it from Lowyat forum.(click the link)
They sell it for RM34 not including postage. In their outlet this mask is RM35.90.

Do you know any other sleeping pack? I am on my quest to hunt down the perfect one. I heard about Laneige Water Bank. No budget yet :(

I totally break my own record. 1 week post free.. Very occupied :(
Expect more masks post coming up!