If you have never been to the beauty atrium at Bergdorf Goodman, you should know that everyone there is consummately groomed, knowledgeable about beauty products from A to Z, and speaks their own lingo.
Friday night at Bergdorf's, I felt as at home as Crocodile Dundee, but held onto my reporter's notebook as a life vest.
I hoped that my French designer sweater and gaudy necklace would help people look past my...tangled and perpetually unruly hair, chapped lips and ugly boots I purchased from a camping store. (I am serious about the boots, ladies. Eventually, I slipped into some sparkly flats, and I think God whispered a thank you in my ear for not completely killing the atmosphere in this atrium of amazement.)
At the Beauty Power Tools talk, I looked on at a set of gadgets of every shape and purpose, from microdermabrasion to under-eye fixin'. BG Beauty Girl Felicia explained all of them quickly and assuredly, sharing anecdotes and allowing us to examine all the parts of herself (hair, skin) that she had improved by using these electronics products.
Being named a BG Beauty Girl is quite the honor, and the store doesn't hand out monikers like that to just anyone. Basking in the glory of her beauty was just part of the event, but I thought this was actually quite cool and female empowerment-ish.
I have read that in France if a woman has a great haircut, she won't tell anyone the hairdresser. Everyone at Bergdorf's who looked so fabulous knew so much about how to look so fabulous and was eager to share.....

Picture: Still from "Alice in Wonderland" film made in 1915.
Friday night at Bergdorf's, I felt as at home as Crocodile Dundee, but held onto my reporter's notebook as a life vest.
I hoped that my French designer sweater and gaudy necklace would help people look past my...tangled and perpetually unruly hair, chapped lips and ugly boots I purchased from a camping store. (I am serious about the boots, ladies. Eventually, I slipped into some sparkly flats, and I think God whispered a thank you in my ear for not completely killing the atmosphere in this atrium of amazement.)
At the Beauty Power Tools talk, I looked on at a set of gadgets of every shape and purpose, from microdermabrasion to under-eye fixin'. BG Beauty Girl Felicia explained all of them quickly and assuredly, sharing anecdotes and allowing us to examine all the parts of herself (hair, skin) that she had improved by using these electronics products.
Being named a BG Beauty Girl is quite the honor, and the store doesn't hand out monikers like that to just anyone. Basking in the glory of her beauty was just part of the event, but I thought this was actually quite cool and female empowerment-ish.
I have read that in France if a woman has a great haircut, she won't tell anyone the hairdresser. Everyone at Bergdorf's who looked so fabulous knew so much about how to look so fabulous and was eager to share.....

Picture: Still from "Alice in Wonderland" film made in 1915.