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Nylon Posts Miu Miu Movie Directed by Zoe Cassavetes + Other Tidbits

Nylon just posted the Miu Miu movie!

Miu Miu Movie from nylon on Vimeo.

Zoe Cassavetes directed this extraordinary and beautiful short film titled "The Powder Room." I will probably watch it at least five times.


Katy Perry announced her California Dreams tour this morning. [Source:]

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian's makeup artist Troy Surratt uses Stila Kajal pencil in black to create a smoky eye look . [Source: Us Weekly]

Donna Hathaway at Perfume Smellin' Things writes a thoughtful, challenging article on scent and memory.

Emma Straub reminisces about, talk about a flashback, "My So-Called Life" on The Paris Review's blog.