Who Do You Think You Are???

There are so many types of people in the world. Honestly, among all I really hate the rude ones! People around you are not born for you to give comments in a shitty, fucking ways as you pleased. And first thing first, if the person is not related to you why do you fucking care??

Okay, this post gonna use a lot of bad words. I just can't hold my brain from striking out all those words anymore. Not that I am angry she is wasting her time by clicking on my blogs but I hate that she insult the model, my friend!! If you are not a fan of bad words, I suggest you click the X button on your upper right conner.

I began my day by sending 2 stray kittens I found around my condo to SPCA. I can't possibly keep them. I am studying and travelling to and fro Singapore a lot. Boarding fees, are not the solutions. Way too much for me too handle. RM10 for a cat, per day. Darn.. I feel damn sad for leaving them there. But we still have to move on right?

The story is not about the cute kittens. The story is about my blog. Yes, my online blogshop. Where I sell clothes. You can find the link above. Like normal I'll checked my blog daily. Though I don't update that often and traffic kinda slow. 

Let me put it points form for easy digestion.

1. I checked my blog. Checked enquiries chatbox in case any of my customers leave messages. To my horror, I saw this comment which only can be describe as FUCKING ASSHOLE and UNCIVILIZED!!!!

2. The person, who I assumed is INSANE with nothing else better to do, commented on my friend who was helping me to modeled all my clothes. And the comment that she gave was seriously get my blood boiling. Okay, I have to think rationally, because it is my blog. I can't possibly openly use my power to fucking scold her right?

3. She did mentioned that she sent a post to SMWDY but the owner of SMWDY didn't post it up because it was against her blog policy. Her blog is for people to share or let out their anger, but it have to be related to online shopping. So her policy is everything have to be anonymous. Including the sender. So this insane people actually did give clues about me in her post that's why her post was not published, not because I advertise on SMWDY.

4. I emailed SMWDY about this matter and she emailed me back together with attached post of what the girl wrote. She seriously have really serious issue. Serious enough until I think her parents have to send her to a shrink!!! Damn cibai!  SMWDY can't help me track the writer. If not, I tell you that fucking girl will be in DEEP SHIT!!! My high school friend can tell you how violent I can be when I am mad!

5. She firstly comment on my advertisement chatbox. I MISSED IT. Normally I don't check that box because I don't have stupid customer who actually left enquiries there. (unlike this psychopath!) She wrote this. I hope it is readable.

6. Like I said above she then sent a post on SMWDY to let the whole world see. Which I think will increase my traffic. But too bad the owner didn't approved. It's not like I have bad customer service, cheat people's money or what so ever that this stupid comments will actually damaged my reputation. This is her actual post.

7. When her post was not published. She was furious. BECAUSE HER KETIAK AND PUTING SUSU issue was ignored. So she go and post on my chatbox some more. Today she got the right box. But I think she is senile or suffering from Alzheimer. She accused that I deleted her chat. Dah la busuk hati, pelupa, bodoh lagi tu! Haih.....

In the end I replied with my usual warmth nature and love. I thought this kind of drama won't exist in my blog since I am not so famous. But thanks to her I will be now =)

And FUCK her too! I thought wanna suspend my blogshop business until I graduate, now I have to post-phoned it. Since I don't want to appear chicken in front of a shit.


I did not retouch or edit the picture because I SERIOUSLY thought people that have eyes will know that it was shadowed.

I have no skills in taking photo so please forgive me that I didn't measure up to your standard.