Slim It Yourself Review. *consume at your own risk*

I bet if you have been reading my blog, you will know about my mission to get slim =P Hehehe. Planning to lose 8 Kgs. And no.. I haven't reach my target yet. Still few more Kgs to go. Just as I promised if the slimming product works I am going to blog about it. So here you go... ( when it works for me doesn't mean that it will work for you too)

I almost finish 2 boxes of Slim It Yourself (SIY). A brief explanation about SIY, each box contains 20 bottles and each bottle is 12ml. If you googled "slim it yourself" you will find out that there are so many agents out there. But I bought mine from Yumiko (Adeline) from I got it at RM198 per box and buy 3 free 1. I heard that they will increase the price starting in May to RM208 (WM), so if you are interested better grab yours before end of this month!! Btw, Yumiko posted my package from Penang via ABX.
I will post up pictures on how the bottles and the box look like later on.

Hmm.. I think I had promised to post up my diet plans for everyone to see, but too bad I don't really have one since I normally don't eat on time. I did keep track for few days, I still feel it is pointless to put it up here =P So, if you are really interested you can email me. But I can guarantee you it is not a  healthy diet.I think I skipped few days of SIY before because I was planning to have alcohol. Alcohol will slow down the effects, in order not to waste my precious drink, I skipped.

So far I lose 3KGs. In the beginning I have no faith in this product at all. First 2 days I only lose 1KG. I don't really put much hope because I thought it might be dehydration. My weight stays the same for 5 days or so i guess. I almost thought of quitting and to cancel my 3rd and 4th order. Plus, I really hate the taste of the juice. At the same time, my housemate, Louise, she is having on going program with Bizzy Body. So she told me about this diet plan that Bizzy Body is practising. Diet by your blood type.

If you are an avid reader of health magazine, I bet you heard of this type of diet before.I was very skeptical at first. Nobody ever told me about this method. So I googled online. Read the reasons why this type of diet are more individual specific compare to  any other method out there, and why this diet will give better results on most people. I was convinced. I followed the guidelines on what to eat and what not to eat. I didn't follow it blindly, I still adjust here and there. Which I think, helps me so far. So if you are interested to know more about dieting by your blood type you can google for more. If you are blood O like me you can go directly to this link to view the foods that are best for you and foods you should avoid =D

I went for first trial in Bizzy Body as well, to me if you really determined you don't have to pay thousands to just slim down. I am not going to further comment on this or I'll get sued for damaging their reputation. =P 

Here are some pictures taken by me exclusively for you =P

Below is my second box. Box measurement 15cm x 15cm

The red color is the day juice and grey color is the night juice.

Below are the ingredients used, direction on how to drink and nutritional facts taken from the box. (Red is for the morning juice and Grey is for the night.)

The directions on the box are quite simple. But Yumiko suggested that I drank the morning juice 15 to 30 mins after breakfast and the night juice right before I go to bed. I had a hard time following the morning requirement because normally I will wake up at 1pm or 2pm. So what I did was, I took my lunch and drink the juice 15 to 30 mins after.

Before I decide to buy this product I did some research. I googled the ingredients contain in the juice. Which I highly advised you to do so! I can't be listing one by one the pros and cons of each ingredient. But I feel the most important ingredient in this drink that's worth taking note is Citrus Aurantium or known as bitter orange. This will aids in fat loss and appetite suppressant. What worth taking note here is this product is normally used as substitute to Ephedrine,ephedrine had been banned in US, Canada,etc..due to its side effects.  So far, bitter orange haven't undergo formal safety testing and there is currently little evidence that it is safer to use. *and yes I am risking my life here.*

So if you have heart problem, please don't use this product.

Some side effects on me, 

My body become very heat-ty  (part of the thermogenesis process),
 I have lots of painful ulcer. I never have big ulcer my entire life! 
Eventhough, Yumiko mentioned I won't be having diarrhea, but I did. She said maybe it is because I have constipation problem.
I get mood swing sometimes (pity my bf),
 I feel like I have something stuck in my throat all the time!!! (no idea why)
 And I think my period is late this month!!! I think the drink is messing up my hormones! 
My cellulite become less visible( I don't have serious cellulite case)

I think I'm done here. *yawn*

Once again I would like to emphasize.. 

p/s: I found edible underwear online. Hehehehe *think kinky*