Dragon Fly

10 April 2010

Went clubbing in Dragonfly, Located in St James beside Vivo City.
This club sucks! Or maybe they cater for different type of people and I am not one of them.

1. They have live performance. (I don't like live performance!)
2. They sing Chinese songs!!!!I don't understand ='( (Hokkien, Mandarin, etc...)
3. All very ah beng, ah lian performance outfits! With horrible dancing steps!
4. They only start the clubbing music at 12am which will stop every 30 minutes (I guess) to make way for the live performance for freaking 45 minutes!!!
5. No DJ!!!!

We ordered around 4 bottles of Chivas (with green tea) I think. There were 6 of us, or maybe more. But roughly we paid SG$76 per person. 

Some pictures taken. Taken with Omnia 2.

Picture of the night! =P