Monash Extreme Sports Carnival Marketplace

Firstly I'm going to start off by how stupid we were! We woke up early, get ready and arrived Monash at freaking 7AM!! While the whole college was still empty. The only people I saw around were the committee members of MESC and security guards!

It was freaking hot eventhough ceiling fan was place right above you. So far the sport events were good, but not for the market place. The bazaar was a total disaster. So little people actually take their time walking and browsing your items. Performance from the band?? Ewwww...Sucks! Especially the first band. No wonder thunder storm hit in the evening..

For RM75 there will be no next time for Monash bazaar. Or bazaar event organised by Monash. SUCKS big time. Sales I guess was pretty okay for some blogshop. But I doubt they make high profit. Maybe just break even after taking into account the rent and other miscellaneous expenses.

I seriously have no pros to write down for this event other than I managed to clear some old stocks. By 430PM, most of the blogshop that doesn't sell clothes packed up and went home. While for the remaining, around 5.45PM all of us got soaking wet because of the heavy rain! Lightning and thunder every few minutes. It was damn scary! Thank God I managed to save my stocks from getting wet...

Nothing much to write about the event. I better stop and show some pictures taken. If not I'll continue bitching about how sucky the event was for blogshop owners. Wait.... I had one more! The bazaar was a total sucker until one blogshop owner selling cosmetics stuff start circulating a petition so that the organizer reduce the rental by 33% to RM50 only. Which I don't think the organizer will give a shit about.

Due to the really efficient service and connection given by Celcom Broadband, I have to resize my pictures to 30kb. Urgh.. So, here are the cacat photos...

My booth No13.
Shared booth with Doven.She sells her pre-loved.

The only performance I managed to capture.

On a different note.. I miss Melaka Cendol!!