I will Miss Kaskade

This gonna be a pretty boring post.

I won a pair of tickets to Kaskade event in Euphoria MOS this Saturday (10. April) but I doubt I can make it. Now in Singapore currently for the long "weekend". LOL. Haih... What a waste! Plus the passes worth RM120! And I will be missing the bazaar that will be held in MOS too! "Too hot to handle"

Notice my name below?!?!?! Notice??

Planning to update my blogshop, which I abandoned for almost 4 months now. I am so bored til I got nothing to do. So yea... Might be updating very soon. MIGHT.

Changed my blog font MYSELF! Yes I am pretty proud of it =D
Plus I put in navigation bar the correct way! Used to simply add widgets and thats it. But this time I go and mess around with the HTML codes. Anybody need help, feel free to let me know. Hehehe. I might charged a teeny weenie fee tho :)
Planning to add another column in my blog to make it 3 column templates. (and yes I found a way to make that happen too) *proud of myself* Heheheh.... But too bad my blog has so little things in it, making me feel adding another column will make it messier than nicer =p

Plan to do revision while I'm in Singapore. Since I only take one paper so I have to pass with good marks*at least a pass above 60*
Tho I know it will be impossible. No discipline at all!!!

This Friday planning to go club in Clarke Quay. But not sure who will be following me. *sad*
I have become lifeless person! All Natalie's FAULT!!! =(

Baby came back from Beijing already. But not much pictures taken. Few souvenirs and a MUST fridge magnets for me =D

Urm...What else???

Oh yea..
About the slimming product. I took it since 1 April. So far I did see a teeny result. But not really sure about the result yet ( as you can see I might be dehydrated and the weight loss might be due to less water intake). I don't want to get my hopes up yet. But I promise. After 20 days taking the slimming products IF my weight really reduce I will blog about it okay =D
I will blog about it complete with my "dietary" *not so healthy one* program for 20 days full =) No worries I will tell you the product name as well as where you can get it =D
*pinky finger promise*

Til then...

p/s: I miss mee Kolok!! Somebody please courier the noodle to me =(