Pussy Cats and Cheap Books!

Don't all of us love sale?? Especially when it involves warehouse prices!!

 Like what I had mentioned in my earlier post, I'm falling in love with books (sadly not my textbook..) I heard about this bookshop from Doven. Too bad she can't even remember where the bookstore is, let alone the name of the bookshop. Desperately, I googled "cheap book store in PJ" 
and VOILA! !
She told me that they sell it at dirt cheap price and it is brand new! With latest cover! Imagine normal paperback fiction novels by international author, you have to at least forked out RM30 ++ for each book. With Book Excess the most you will pay is RM18. During special promotion you can even get this books at RM9.90! For most of the hardcover version you literally pay only 70% retail price!! What a bargain..

This bookstore only have certain titles but they do have a wide selections to choose from =) Seriously if you are looking for bargain you should visit them =D
Before wasting your petrol and time, you might wanna check out their website first.

The book store is in Amcorp Mall. If you use Federal Highway to KL or coming from KL you should be able to notice the building. After spending few hours there, I was damn hungry. But I don't see any nice food around. So we head to Sunway Pyramid for dinner.

Had dinner in Canton Bay. Fyi, Canton Bay is all about fancy prices and sucky food. Their food are fucking salty! But since they have promotion..So what the heck. If you spend RM49 and above, you can have Tilapia fish for RM0.99! The fish was big. Enough to feed 3 hungry people.

What a coincidence that there was Cat show in Sunway Pyramid! All of them are so darn adorable!!!! Lemme show you their cute face! You can take picture with them by paying RM5.

Notice the ear? American Curl cat.

 Look angry huh?

This one even cute! She have those puppy eyes =P with flat ugly nose like Natalie's Shi Tzu!

Obese cat!

Enough for now =D Nap time!