I am a Tiger.

One of my friend have been nagging me to put up my nail pictures on Facebook, but I figured out that my blog seems to be more appropriate place to do it =D

I love nail arts. I can't do the 3D designs. And I know it won't last long. I tried fake nails but on me it didn't last long  either =P. Plus all the 3D designs are so flowery and sweet!!! It seriously WILL NOT match my personality..
FYI, I don't have even a single book about nails. I just googled whenever I want to find new design or tips. Hey, I paid RM98 for my Celcom broadband okay!

So far, I mix and match design that I found online to make them MY design =P. Like what people say about assignment " When you copy from one person it is plagiarism, but when you copy from many, it is research"

For me, there are no rules to follow when painting your nails. When preparing your nails before you paint it, yes, you have rules..

But the most important step among all is, never ever forget to rub some Vitamin E on your nail and let it breathe for few minutes before putting a new color on top. Better still, let your nails rest for 1-2 days. But for me, I don't like the sight of my nail without any manicure, same goes with toenails. They look naked that way.

I love getting pampered. But to have all my nails to be pampered at least once a week, I will get seriously broke! And as a future accountant, I made an estimation, if I were to get my nails done every week and let say we go for the basic one which is roughly RM30. For a year, if I do all the manicure and pedicure myself, I can buy a Louis Vuitton handbag already!!!

So now, I am going to share how TO SAVE MONEY on manicure and pedicure and use the money to SPEND ON SHOPPING =D

We gonna use this colors. Fyi, I don't buy expensive nail polish. I don't know why. Even the OPI below  is not mine. But recently I found a way to get it at cheaper price =D. Preorder from USA. Roughly RM10-RM15 cheaper than retail! Yipee!!!

I really love Etude House nail polish remover! I have been using their nail polish remover for 2 years now. I just love the smell. And you can get rid all those glittery nail polish even more efficient and effective than any other brand. =D And I love Etude House princess series as well! Well, I am a sucker for glittery stuff.
But recently I fall in love with OPI Suede Series =D

If you don't have the colors above fret not, you can use any other colors that you like but draw the same design. I think The Face shop have almost similar gold color to the OPI (Curry up don't be late) above.

Another thing to remember, if you are right-handed, your left hand have to be stable and vice versa. No shaky shaky. God bless you, if you can use both hand!

My nails I paint before hand.

Since, I never let my nails breathe. I don't have a nice nail colour to pull of a French manicure. So I use the Clear Pink from Elianto to pull it off =) When the clear pink dry, top it with the OPI gold. You really don't need the French manicure sticker to do this. In fact, I think the sticker is a waste of money. RM9.90 for a pack leh!!

Then you top up the OPI gold with Elianto Shinning Gold. 

Manicure DONE!

Now the feet =D

Apply 2 layers of the OPI gold.

Then the Shinning Gold from Elianto.

Then draw some abstract line for the Tigery look =D Rarrrwww....
 The tips is to simply draw the lines to make it look like real tiger stripes =) You definitely can go Zebra with this too! =P


I'll put more when I have time =)

Now lets go shopping for shoes!! I'm going club tonight!
READ MORE - I am a Tiger.

Who Do You Think You Are???

There are so many types of people in the world. Honestly, among all I really hate the rude ones! People around you are not born for you to give comments in a shitty, fucking ways as you pleased. And first thing first, if the person is not related to you why do you fucking care??

Okay, this post gonna use a lot of bad words. I just can't hold my brain from striking out all those words anymore. Not that I am angry she is wasting her time by clicking on my blogs but I hate that she insult the model, my friend!! If you are not a fan of bad words, I suggest you click the X button on your upper right conner.

I began my day by sending 2 stray kittens I found around my condo to SPCA. I can't possibly keep them. I am studying and travelling to and fro Singapore a lot. Boarding fees, are not the solutions. Way too much for me too handle. RM10 for a cat, per day. Darn.. I feel damn sad for leaving them there. But we still have to move on right?

The story is not about the cute kittens. The story is about my blog. Yes, my online blogshop. Where I sell clothes. You can find the link above. Like normal I'll checked my blog daily. Though I don't update that often and traffic kinda slow. 

Let me put it points form for easy digestion.

1. I checked my blog. Checked enquiries chatbox in case any of my customers leave messages. To my horror, I saw this comment which only can be describe as FUCKING ASSHOLE and UNCIVILIZED!!!!

2. The person, who I assumed is INSANE with nothing else better to do, commented on my friend who was helping me to modeled all my clothes. And the comment that she gave was seriously get my blood boiling. Okay, I have to think rationally, because it is my blog. I can't possibly openly use my power to fucking scold her right?

3. She did mentioned that she sent a post to SMWDY but the owner of SMWDY didn't post it up because it was against her blog policy. Her blog is for people to share or let out their anger, but it have to be related to online shopping. So her policy is everything have to be anonymous. Including the sender. So this insane people actually did give clues about me in her post that's why her post was not published, not because I advertise on SMWDY.

4. I emailed SMWDY about this matter and she emailed me back together with attached post of what the girl wrote. She seriously have really serious issue. Serious enough until I think her parents have to send her to a shrink!!! Damn cibai!  SMWDY can't help me track the writer. If not, I tell you that fucking girl will be in DEEP SHIT!!! My high school friend can tell you how violent I can be when I am mad!

5. She firstly comment on my advertisement chatbox. I MISSED IT. Normally I don't check that box because I don't have stupid customer who actually left enquiries there. (unlike this psychopath!) She wrote this. I hope it is readable.

6. Like I said above she then sent a post on SMWDY to let the whole world see. Which I think will increase my traffic. But too bad the owner didn't approved. It's not like I have bad customer service, cheat people's money or what so ever that this stupid comments will actually damaged my reputation. This is her actual post.

7. When her post was not published. She was furious. BECAUSE HER KETIAK AND PUTING SUSU issue was ignored. So she go and post on my chatbox some more. Today she got the right box. But I think she is senile or suffering from Alzheimer. She accused that I deleted her chat. Dah la busuk hati, pelupa, bodoh lagi tu! Haih.....

In the end I replied with my usual warmth nature and love. I thought this kind of drama won't exist in my blog since I am not so famous. But thanks to her I will be now =)

And FUCK her too! I thought wanna suspend my blogshop business until I graduate, now I have to post-phoned it. Since I don't want to appear chicken in front of a shit.


I did not retouch or edit the picture because I SERIOUSLY thought people that have eyes will know that it was shadowed.

I have no skills in taking photo so please forgive me that I didn't measure up to your standard.
READ MORE - Who Do You Think You Are???

Pussy Cats and Cheap Books!

Don't all of us love sale?? Especially when it involves warehouse prices!!

 Like what I had mentioned in my earlier post, I'm falling in love with books (sadly not my textbook..) I heard about this bookshop from Doven. Too bad she can't even remember where the bookstore is, let alone the name of the bookshop. Desperately, I googled "cheap book store in PJ" 
and VOILA! !
She told me that they sell it at dirt cheap price and it is brand new! With latest cover! Imagine normal paperback fiction novels by international author, you have to at least forked out RM30 ++ for each book. With Book Excess the most you will pay is RM18. During special promotion you can even get this books at RM9.90! For most of the hardcover version you literally pay only 70% retail price!! What a bargain..

This bookstore only have certain titles but they do have a wide selections to choose from =) Seriously if you are looking for bargain you should visit them =D
Before wasting your petrol and time, you might wanna check out their website first.

The book store is in Amcorp Mall. If you use Federal Highway to KL or coming from KL you should be able to notice the building. After spending few hours there, I was damn hungry. But I don't see any nice food around. So we head to Sunway Pyramid for dinner.

Had dinner in Canton Bay. Fyi, Canton Bay is all about fancy prices and sucky food. Their food are fucking salty! But since they have promotion..So what the heck. If you spend RM49 and above, you can have Tilapia fish for RM0.99! The fish was big. Enough to feed 3 hungry people.

What a coincidence that there was Cat show in Sunway Pyramid! All of them are so darn adorable!!!! Lemme show you their cute face! You can take picture with them by paying RM5.

Notice the ear? American Curl cat.

 Look angry huh?

This one even cute! She have those puppy eyes =P with flat ugly nose like Natalie's Shi Tzu!

Obese cat!

Enough for now =D Nap time!
READ MORE - Pussy Cats and Cheap Books!

Dragon Fly

10 April 2010

Went clubbing in Dragonfly, Located in St James beside Vivo City.
This club sucks! Or maybe they cater for different type of people and I am not one of them.

1. They have live performance. (I don't like live performance!)
2. They sing Chinese songs!!!!I don't understand ='( (Hokkien, Mandarin, etc...)
3. All very ah beng, ah lian performance outfits! With horrible dancing steps!
4. They only start the clubbing music at 12am which will stop every 30 minutes (I guess) to make way for the live performance for freaking 45 minutes!!!
5. No DJ!!!!

We ordered around 4 bottles of Chivas (with green tea) I think. There were 6 of us, or maybe more. But roughly we paid SG$76 per person. 

Some pictures taken. Taken with Omnia 2.

Picture of the night! =P

READ MORE - Dragon Fly

Slim It Yourself Review. *consume at your own risk*

I bet if you have been reading my blog, you will know about my mission to get slim =P Hehehe. Planning to lose 8 Kgs. And no.. I haven't reach my target yet. Still few more Kgs to go. Just as I promised if the slimming product works I am going to blog about it. So here you go... ( when it works for me doesn't mean that it will work for you too)

I almost finish 2 boxes of Slim It Yourself (SIY). A brief explanation about SIY, each box contains 20 bottles and each bottle is 12ml. If you googled "slim it yourself" you will find out that there are so many agents out there. But I bought mine from Yumiko (Adeline) from Lowyat.net. I got it at RM198 per box and buy 3 free 1. I heard that they will increase the price starting in May to RM208 (WM), so if you are interested better grab yours before end of this month!! Btw, Yumiko posted my package from Penang via ABX.
I will post up pictures on how the bottles and the box look like later on.

Hmm.. I think I had promised to post up my diet plans for everyone to see, but too bad I don't really have one since I normally don't eat on time. I did keep track for few days, I still feel it is pointless to put it up here =P So, if you are really interested you can email me. But I can guarantee you it is not a  healthy diet.I think I skipped few days of SIY before because I was planning to have alcohol. Alcohol will slow down the effects, in order not to waste my precious drink, I skipped.

So far I lose 3KGs. In the beginning I have no faith in this product at all. First 2 days I only lose 1KG. I don't really put much hope because I thought it might be dehydration. My weight stays the same for 5 days or so i guess. I almost thought of quitting and to cancel my 3rd and 4th order. Plus, I really hate the taste of the juice. At the same time, my housemate, Louise, she is having on going program with Bizzy Body. So she told me about this diet plan that Bizzy Body is practising. Diet by your blood type.

If you are an avid reader of health magazine, I bet you heard of this type of diet before.I was very skeptical at first. Nobody ever told me about this method. So I googled online. Read the reasons why this type of diet are more individual specific compare to  any other method out there, and why this diet will give better results on most people. I was convinced. I followed the guidelines on what to eat and what not to eat. I didn't follow it blindly, I still adjust here and there. Which I think, helps me so far. So if you are interested to know more about dieting by your blood type you can google for more. If you are blood O like me you can go directly to this link to view the foods that are best for you and foods you should avoid =D

I went for first trial in Bizzy Body as well, to me if you really determined you don't have to pay thousands to just slim down. I am not going to further comment on this or I'll get sued for damaging their reputation. =P 

Here are some pictures taken by me exclusively for you =P

Below is my second box. Box measurement 15cm x 15cm

The red color is the day juice and grey color is the night juice.

Below are the ingredients used, direction on how to drink and nutritional facts taken from the box. (Red is for the morning juice and Grey is for the night.)

The directions on the box are quite simple. But Yumiko suggested that I drank the morning juice 15 to 30 mins after breakfast and the night juice right before I go to bed. I had a hard time following the morning requirement because normally I will wake up at 1pm or 2pm. So what I did was, I took my lunch and drink the juice 15 to 30 mins after.

Before I decide to buy this product I did some research. I googled the ingredients contain in the juice. Which I highly advised you to do so! I can't be listing one by one the pros and cons of each ingredient. But I feel the most important ingredient in this drink that's worth taking note is Citrus Aurantium or known as bitter orange. This will aids in fat loss and appetite suppressant. What worth taking note here is this product is normally used as substitute to Ephedrine,ephedrine had been banned in US, Canada,etc..due to its side effects.  So far, bitter orange haven't undergo formal safety testing and there is currently little evidence that it is safer to use. *and yes I am risking my life here.*

So if you have heart problem, please don't use this product.

Some side effects on me, 

My body become very heat-ty  (part of the thermogenesis process),
 I have lots of painful ulcer. I never have big ulcer my entire life! 
Eventhough, Yumiko mentioned I won't be having diarrhea, but I did. She said maybe it is because I have constipation problem.
I get mood swing sometimes (pity my bf),
 I feel like I have something stuck in my throat all the time!!! (no idea why)
 And I think my period is late this month!!! I think the drink is messing up my hormones! 
My cellulite become less visible( I don't have serious cellulite case)

I think I'm done here. *yawn*

Once again I would like to emphasize.. 

p/s: I found edible underwear online. Hehehehe *think kinky*

READ MORE - Slim It Yourself Review. *consume at your own risk*

Monash Extreme Sports Carnival Marketplace

Firstly I'm going to start off by how stupid we were! We woke up early, get ready and arrived Monash at freaking 7AM!! While the whole college was still empty. The only people I saw around were the committee members of MESC and security guards!

It was freaking hot eventhough ceiling fan was place right above you. So far the sport events were good, but not for the market place. The bazaar was a total disaster. So little people actually take their time walking and browsing your items. Performance from the band?? Ewwww...Sucks! Especially the first band. No wonder thunder storm hit in the evening..

For RM75 there will be no next time for Monash bazaar. Or bazaar event organised by Monash. SUCKS big time. Sales I guess was pretty okay for some blogshop. But I doubt they make high profit. Maybe just break even after taking into account the rent and other miscellaneous expenses.

I seriously have no pros to write down for this event other than I managed to clear some old stocks. By 430PM, most of the blogshop that doesn't sell clothes packed up and went home. While for the remaining, around 5.45PM all of us got soaking wet because of the heavy rain! Lightning and thunder every few minutes. It was damn scary! Thank God I managed to save my stocks from getting wet...

Nothing much to write about the event. I better stop and show some pictures taken. If not I'll continue bitching about how sucky the event was for blogshop owners. Wait.... I had one more! The bazaar was a total sucker until one blogshop owner selling cosmetics stuff start circulating a petition so that the organizer reduce the rental by 33% to RM50 only. Which I don't think the organizer will give a shit about.

Due to the really efficient service and connection given by Celcom Broadband, I have to resize my pictures to 30kb. Urgh.. So, here are the cacat photos...

My booth No13.
Shared booth with Doven.She sells her pre-loved.

The only performance I managed to capture.

On a different note.. I miss Melaka Cendol!!

READ MORE - Monash Extreme Sports Carnival Marketplace

Outta Juice

I am super tired! But couldn't pull myself to bed! And as per title above I am really outta creativity juice. Out of the sufficient amount to get my mouth babbling. 

Tomorrow gonna be attending Monash Sports Carnival =p
Not for fun but to sell and promote my clothes that I sell online =P .

Kinda excited because this will be the first time I officially joined a bazaar =P.
Buy clothes from me!!!! =D

Please.... Please... Don't rain *cross fingers*
If not my booth rental gonna be wasted. Damn my boyfriend have to use the DSLR this weekend!
I'm going to miss all those possible wonderful photos!!
Will try to get my pretty pink Lumix to get the job done. Hopefully wonderfully.....

Gonna talk (bitch or praise) the event either tomorrow or the day after =)

Full event details can be found here! =D

*yawn* But still can't sleep!!!
READ MORE - Outta Juice

Chicken Rice

This will be a pretty simple and short post about Nasi Ayam =)

The Nasi Ayam is nice. Not bad. Succulent chicken and very nice chicken rice. A lot of other ala carte side dishes available. Love their bitter gourd fried with salted eggs! Really nice. Without being flooded with cooking oil like some other Chinese restaurant.

I can't remember what is the exact time the shop opens. But from Monday until Saturday they close at 4.30A.M., while on Sunday they close at 2.30 A.M.

Boon Tong Kee is located at Balestier Rd.

We ordered bitter gourd fried with salted eggs, steamed chicken, fried tofu and crab meat and fish maw thick soup. =D

Some pictures to feast your eyes =) Like the usual...

The bill came up to S$50++

READ MORE - Chicken Rice