
Today the parcel I waited for so long finally arrived!

Gonna start a new mission of getting slimmer. Possible??
I plan to lose at least 8 Kg!
Freaking 8 Kg! And God knows how impossible is that for me *sigh*
Get used to the idea of eating a lot. Plus I am a meat eater..
Fat people out there if you think you are alone don't be..

Found this product online. Not gonna tell you the name *bluek!*
It is RM198 per box for a short period of time. You have to continuously take few boxes to see the result. By the way I bought 4 boxes of this. If it doesn't work I will seriously hang myself!!
The reviews for this product were good. So decided to give it a shot. When I search online some of the ingredients used are a bit dangerous. But since they say this product pass KKM so shouldn't be a problem. Gonna start using it soon.

A bit skeptical, coz last time I ate the boobs enhancer F-Cup cookies. Fucking waste of time got la! Wasted RM108! My boobs didn't get any bigger also!

Now you notice I'll splurge on this kind of thing right?? But heck ya..none of it works! So lets hope that this slimming product work *cross finger*

Not much people say I'm considered fat. But I seriously want my body back!!!

Oh God! See the difference? My goodness? Somebody said pork chop?
See those jeans! So loose! Now I barely can fit in! If can, I don't think I can sit in it!

On another different note:

I miss this beer so much! Somebody please get it for me?
