Mini Story

Once upon a time..
I realized that I am pretty judgmental too. Like..How other people look at me now and judge.. Well.. I guess I can't blame them...

Met Jimmy in Singapore, went for a drink (liquor-less) and gossiping! We have come to a conclusion where everyone around us is getting married and competing who gonna have more children =P
Can you believe that?! My high school friends, some of them already have 2KIDS!!!

Sigh...I won't be hoping for one unless I am 27 years old. *cross finger*
And a friend of ours got married after few month knowing a girl that came on a permit to work here.. Anything can happen nowadays huh?

Bit lazy to write. Let the pictures do the talking.

At last I am going to have kaki to go club in Singapore!!!! Muahahaha!!! Bye bye Malaysia Club!!!