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The Royal Wedding Isn't a Racing Form...

If you too are planning your wedding, please be a label whore and make that dress French. It will minimize my nail-biting on your behalf.

In the meantime, I'll place my bets on Kate Middleton. She is such a pretty pony.

Will Cranston be the other
"lucky lady" at the Royal wedding?
What designer will she wear to her wedding? Here are my thoughts...

1. I am going to guess that Kate Middleton has opted for a relatively unknown designer. This leaves my top pick in a muddle, but a frontrunner among the "dark horses" is Sophie Cranston. Historically, Middleton tends to be attracted to dresses that flatter her figure, not top tier fashion brands. As you know, this makes me nervous and also frustratingly makes the #1 guess a free-for-all instead of an "educated guess." Kate doesn't really go in for lots of embellishments, but perhaps for her wedding day, she will do an about face and have some lovely lace or pearl details. I hope so!  Middleton is similar to Michelle Obama. She doesn't slavishly follow trends, but she is aware of them. She probably has some ideas of her own of how she wants the dress to look, and would want a designer who "agrees" with her too. Cranston looks perfectly agreeable in photographs.

2. If she has a "fashion awakening," she will pick Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen.  My gut tells me that Sarah Burton can rein in the ghoulish, morbid side of her fashion designs, and deliver a dazzling softer, statement piece.

3. Bruce Oldfield also says it's not him, but maybe it is? Many designers are terribly imaginative, and lying requires creativity.

4.  Vera Wang.  Not British, but good.

5. If she chooses a design by a house like Issa, just shoot me.

Now don't you want a slice of Paul Smith's royal wedding cake?