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A Pot of Perfume to Start My Day

Greetings darlings,

Been a long while since we last chatted. Oh, a whole 20 or so hours! In the meantime, I had a solid night's sleep and many cups of tea.

About two weeks ago, I went to a perfume lecture and absconded with a bottle of Belle en Rykiel perfume.  The scent is a light fragrance, sweet and powdery, with a "sparkle of romance" as they say. Anyway, this perfume is charming for the season, and can be worn with a pale linen dress or, I'd say, a sleeveless, crisp checkered blouse and a good skirt.

Now where does one find a bottle like this? I just got off the telephone with a lovely salesperson in France at the Rykiel flagship on Boulevard Saint-Germain. The Sonia Rykiel boutique on Madison Avenue advised that I might be able to find this fragrance at the flagship store in France, but when I dialed Paris, I learned that they have no perfume in the store and they don't know when the company will resume production.

I really think the company may have stopped making this Belle version a long while ago, but there's no time to call the HQ. So many cute French accents, so little time!

If you'd like to try Belle en Rykiel, just write to eyeshadowgovernment [AT] and the Eyeshadow Government elves will send you a few teaspoons of this.

Alternatively, I've never shopped here, but seems to have some in stock.



YouTube: Cass McCombs performing "County Line" at SXSW. (I am happy that this video has more than 450,000 views. The last time I saw McCombs gig in New York, he played a lot of fresh-from-the-weary-long-road material that was really excellent. Such a great songwriter.)

Fashionbater: Been A Long Time. My friend Alexys is all pretty, freckled and jumpsuit-y.

Stereogrammar: Listen to Panda Bear's track "Alsatian Darn" from their new album Tomboy.