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Rihanna's Reb'l Fleur Perfume Ad Is Peachy Keen + Lady Gaga Autographs Schtuff

Rihanna travels to a peony-colored, feathery universe in the commercial for her perfume, Reb'l Fleur. I love the fantastical setting, and hey, I wouldn't mind a few Alice in Wonderland-esque hedges in my backyard too. Do you dig it as much as I do? (To me, this ad totally tops the Britney Spears commercial for Curious.)

Also, I am hardly a hall monitor when it comes to hemlines, but I think that a few extra inches of, errr, dress could have actually made her look even better. What do you think of the look? Any way you slice her or be-feather her, she is way gorg.

ALSO: Lady Gaga's Kind of Random Donation is auctioning Clarisonic brushes signed by the likes of Lady Gaga, Ryan Gosling, Gael Garcia Bernal and Winona Ryder.  Would you buy an electrical face brush autographed by Gael Garcia Bernal? Yeah, maybe. LOL. (This is probably how crazy fans think.)

This one is Gael's.