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ELF 32 Piece Eyeshadow Collection

I just got my parcel after 2 months waiting! I ordered 7 stuff but only 4 available. Argh!  I want to show you the swatches of the eyeshadow made by E.L.F ;) Btw, this is my very first eyeshadow from E.L.F

When I browsed online for reviews most of them said you get what you paid for. So my expectation wasn't that high. So lets see whether they are up to my expectation!

Here is the 32 piece eyeshadow collection. Retailing for USD5. I paid RM16.50 for it. Cheap huh? The person who handle the spree was having promotion at that point of time. Good bargain. If not USD1 = RM6.60. I bought two and thought of giving the other one away. We'll see how. Too bad the 100 piece one was out of stock.

This palette contains shimmery, glittery and matte eyeshadows. On first glance they look okay because some of the colors appear chunky even before you swatch them on. No doubt the variety of colours are wide even for 32 piece of eyeshadows. However, in this palette most of the colours are pretty neutral. Browns, greys.. Definitely not my cup of tea..

Below is how the colours will look from the palette.
(taken under fluorescent light)

Color payoff for most of the colours are okay. They are decent. The only downside for most of the colors are their textures. Some of them, especially the color labelled as 1,2,3 and most of the mattes are chalky. I believe without a proper eye base, the chalky colors will not last long and won't appear so attractive. Definitely harder to work with compared to the high end ones but value for money and definitely a good starter :)

Below are swatches for all of the colors. I used NYX Jumbo Pencil in milk as the base.

If you ask me to pick my favourite color has to be no14! The plum is sooo pretty! I fall in love instantly! 
Overall, I think the palette is worth a try. For RM16.50, I am pretty satisfied. Matte, shimmers, glitters are all included. 

(taken under daylight)

I received my parcel for Elf Mineral Face Primer and Mineral Eye Primer as well. Will review them once I am done playing ;)

Side note: Updates will be coming in reaaaaally reeeeaaaally slow. If I have short announcement it will be up on my Facebook or on this page under "sharing is caring". Have a great week people!