Johor Bahru Trip

::23 January 2010 - 24 January 2010::

Bored weekend in KL leads to more boring weekend in JB! End up stuck in a conference from 8am to 11pm! Life sucks! Btw, it's a Multi Level Marketing conference. This people is like worshiping the company. URgghhh!
Tried the product mask tho. Not bad. My black head did reduced after using their Glacial Mud Mask. More hydration and firms up =)

Stayed in Blue Wave hotel. Nice suite. Priced around RM270++ . One queen bed, single bed, living room and kitchen, They even have microwave and two TV.

Living room

The queen bed and kitchen

The view from our room.

The pool

Eventho the trip was really boring and annoying for me, luckily on the last day the speech and sharing were done in mandarin. I've got good excuse to bail! =P. So I went to D'Zone shopping mall. The mall sucks! More dead than Summit! But managed to buy some liquor to add to my collection.

Duty free. RM59 for 50cl Chivas. Everything were great until I walked out and I have to pay tax. RM50. So actualy the Chivas is RM109! =(