28th Birthday

Our favourite restaurant!!
Nice food with good price! REAAALY GOOD FOOD!
(the only restaurant my bf eat without complaining :p )

*He is high!*

His beer. Complementary from Las Caretas with his Mexican hat.

Awwww~ See my cute baby's face! High! =P

My Tequila shot.. I forget what this one called.
 I drank premium Tequila too.. Patron. This Tequila is damn smooth!
Stupid me I didn't sip it but drink in one shot like normal tequila! =(
(how would i know rite??!?!?)

Among the foodies that we ordered :)
We ordered chillies stuffed with mozarela cheese..
Jalapeno mussel..
Garlic bread..
No idea of what are the Mexican name tho..

My T-bone steak with Tequila sunrise.

Boneless rib with coke float

Baby's premium steak with millionaire.

Jenson's chicken chop. El Presidente.

The total bill RM479.90 Totally worth it!