Fashion week is to New York, as the bull races are to Pamplona. The media has gone wild, and I can't imagine how many fashionistas and reporters are limping, forlorn, and utterly exhausted. Hopefully, if you are working fashion week, I hope you are in bed right now since it's past midnight.
And if you're chilling in a cubicle tomorrow reading this or even doing homework, know that hundreds of people in New York are pulling their hair out like the crazy fashionistas they are inside the billowing white tents.
Take a slow breathe in, and then exhale slowly. Take this moment for yourself to shut out all other stressful thoughts. Think of something to you that is relaxing, like clouds passing in the sky or one of the happier times in your life.
Rub Your Feet
It sounds stupid, but you probably have been running around in really uncomfortable shoes unlike me (who does a lot of work barefoot in my apartment). If you're not abandoning those Manolos, your feet are sore. Take off those shoes, even for ten minutes, in the tents or elsewhere, and rub them to promote circulation. It will also help you relax. No one will judge you because they'll probably assume you sprained your ankle or are otherwise in deep amounts of pain.
Stop the Torture
This term applies to using fur in clothing. But it also applies to how many designers may treat their staff. Stop the torture now. You're not helping anyone.
Drink Water AND Food
Whoah! What a concept. My roommate MJ told me this horrible story of an aspiring model she saw in Bryant Park who turned sideways and practically disappeared. If eating salad, make sure it's got spinach in it for nutrients. Eat a hamburger or tofuburger, or both. Get something real into your stomach, you starving crazy people.
Color Me Beautiful
Based on my brief observation, sixty percent of those in the industry will be wearing black until they become too old to dress themselves. This is not good for your mental health. If you must continue dressing for your own funeral, wear the brightest accessories imaginable and even something fun like gold eyeliner. Gold has been worn throughout the centuries to promote a sense of confidence and, let's face it, over the top fun.
Photo Source: Coutorture/Alexandre Herchcovitch orange dress, Fall 08.