Blog Archive

Fashion Week Continues....

Some other sources to consider (in which Eyeshadow Government blatantly hypes our amigas):

And outside sources: (my roommate is video blogging for them)

Scroll down to read makeup tips fresh off the runway, gaze at starving models, marvel at videos by Coutorture, and think about how lucky you are to be probably in your living room instead of New York City.

I know most of you probably don't care about fashion week, which is fine. This is a new feature for Eyeshadow Government, and if you have any feedback or suggestions, just write me a line. I'm totally addicted to my Blackberry.

For those curious and far away, I'm covering most of it this weekend from home, and after such a hard week--relationship probs, my other ex-boyfriend laid up in the hospital with a busted appendix (he's my Madeleine with leg hair), oh yeah and school, thesis, reporting, networking, living off of appetizers...This girl is darn spent. On the upside, the frantic world of fashion is much more relaxing than the "real world"! The tents are also steamy in cold weather, so it's kind of like being inside the indoor parts of a botanical garden. Godiva and diet beverages sprout in little bags, in the place of orchids and ferns.

Also, apologies for jumping the gun on Zac Posen. Expect a post on this subject later next week.
