Jogoya, Starhill

:: 3 November 2008::

Little bit of info
Jogoya Restaurant is in Starhill, Starhill is just beside Pavillion ;p
They serve all kinds of food! They have wines, liquor, Baskin Robins, Haagen Daz..
All kinds of dessert..fruits..
You will be spoilt in terms of choice.
They too serve Oyster. Fresh.
The ambiance are great! (i think)
Service are very fast!
But it come with price tag...
The last time i went it was RM88++ per person for dinner.
Normally dinner they do serve more food compare to lunch. I guess because of the price difference.
Just google u will find more than what u need to know:)
 enjoy the pictures..

on the way... Amelia driving :)
Jogoya Starhill

Candid shot in the toilet..
Love the toilet! Mirror all over ;p

Some of the food that we took.
Salmon belly!! Love this alot!

Unagi and satay! Eat as much as u want!!

Mussels baked with cheese

Our picture..Amelia, Eeh Hsing, Yee Shia, Me

Til then...Jogoya!