Plans For Next Year

Boy oh boy!!
 Just booked another flight to Phuket yesterday RM502 for 2. Going from 23Feb til 1March 2010. Haven't plan anything yet, But yea.... can't wait for the trip too! Going with Doven :D
So far planning to stay in Patong and joining tours. As you can see, we will be there for 6D5N..I hope I don't get bored so fast..

Here are some picture taken online from Phuket website
Just an appetizer to feast your eyes! Credit goes to ASIA WEB for the wonderful pictures!
Beaches in Phuket and island around Phuket.

Gorgeous right?? I''ll blog with details after the trip!! :D

READ MORE - Plans For Next Year

Malacca part 2

::12September-13Sepember 2009::
Not the continuation of the previous Malacca post :) This is a sudden trip because somebody told me that we are going to have class that day, when infact we DO NOT.... You know who you are ;p..Because we already wake up early..And we don't want to waste our beautiful sunny day by going back to bed..We decided to go for a road trip..A long delayed road trip!!
So we made a call to Nat to find out whether she's up for it..She is not.. It's DAMN hard to get her out of the bed!!! Gosh ;p After that we go to Perfect Car Rental to rent a car (duh!) We rented a Kelisa to keep our budget low. Consider value for money.. RM90 per day.Rent 3 days free 1 day. It is located in Sunway just behind Sunway College. We hit the road around 2pm after fetching Nat....

See her luggage!!! It's only 2D1N trip! Imagine if we go for a week!..Gosh..I see all the stars already~~ On the right, Ashy trying to learn Malacca map :D
Me the official driver for the day :p Everything was great! Until....

Yeap..Tayar pancit! And we are the most "fortunate" people in the whole wide world! Our tyre gave up half way but it gave up in front of a workshop in a deserted kampung..Lucky us.We tried to change the tyre or infact Ashy tried but couldn't because we don't have the proper  tools... After 3 hours journey (yea we are slow..Blame me :(  ) we reached Malacca. Plan to stay in a hotel near by Jonker. Hallmark Hotel but were fully booked :(So we decided to stay at the place I previously stayed at during my last trip. Ringo's Guesthouse.After settling down we went for jalan...


Our first meal for the day.This is definitely not the best chicken balls rice but better than the one I tasted before! At least the chicken meat are more succulents compare to the one in Sunway!
Then it's time for dessert! The best Cendol in my whole freaking life :p (I might be exaggerating abit..But hey it was good!)

The best Cendol!! Only RM1.80 And Laksa, I think it is around RM2.++.. I prefer this compare to the one I tasted in Penang. Btw, the owner of th guesthouse told us that this is the best shop to go for Cendol.. 88 Dessert Shop.. (I guess)
Some other food available.. There are so much food!
Nat trying to goreng cempedak ;p
Fried ice cream..Nothing special about it. Don't really like it either...
Look at the crowd!!! Last year when i went it is like this and now it is still like this!
I love that statement shirt..But it will attract to much attention ;p
And bottom is a CUTE ADORABLE puppy!!!! We paid RM3 each to take picture with the puppy. The ear remind me of Dumbo the baby elephant ;p
After finished with Jonker we drove around Malacca.End up at Eye of Malaysia.

The next day we try to cover as much as touristy spot as possible :) We went for quite a few places. But I dont upload it again coz it is available  in my previous Malacca post.

Then we head for Lunch in the famous Nyoya Restaurant I've been to last time. (forgotten the name)
Asam fish & Sotong Petai

I think that is Angku (tortoise) kueh. Eating Cendol before we go back :)

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Til then...
READ MORE - Malacca part 2

BO ??? aka Body Odour

If you are my close friends or I see you quite often..You will definitely know there is One thing I can barely stand..It is BODY ODOUR... Not to offend anybody..but guys especially..OMG..
For sure there will be no second date for you..
There are lots of things that turn me off..But your smell is definitely the first.
My nose is very sensitive to smell. It's not the kind that will sneeze over perfumes and all. In fact I do love perfumes :) And have lots of them.. 

Sometimes I just wonder..
"No body ever tell you that you smell bad??? Even your family members??Urghh.."

Btw there are lots of deodorant out there! Go and buy one for yourself!! Stop wasting your money on cigarettes or gadgets! Buy a fucking freaking DEODORANT ALREADY!

Btw, I wrote this not to bitch about men ;p but they sometimes do have the smell..nor to bitch about unlucky women who some appears to have it too. But just merely sharing an info which i scoop online :)

Give credits to *big claps*
Here it is! Read already!

Body odor is the secretion of foul-smelling perspiration. The sweat glands produce sweat which has no odor for several hours until bacterial action give it an odor. These sweat glands that are mostly found under your arms began working at puberty and are more active in men than women. While deodorant is an effective way of reducing the smell of body odor, there are many natural remedies for reducing and eliminating body odor. These remedies are easy to use and are quite effective when used regularly.


-Excessive body odor can also be caused by liver disease, diabetes, chronic constipation, and certain parasites/
-Body odors can be caused by an excess of toxins in the body which it is trying to eliminate. Meat eaters have more odor than vegetarian
-Some people give off an unpleasant odor because of a deficiency of zinc. Low levels of zinc have been linked to excessive sweating, which can make the problem worse. Food sources of zinc includes seafood, steak, liver, chicken, oats and also some nuts and seeds.
-Excessive alcohol intake can also increase the smell of your body odor.

Prevention and Treatment:

-Wash your body more often, especially under arms and groin, use a good antibacterial soap or an old fashioned glycerin soap.
-Change your underwear at least twice a day and make sure your clothes are always clean. Choose natural fabrics (cotton and wool) to enable the absorbed sweat to evaporate from the body.
-Sprinkle a generous amount of Epsom salt to your bath tub and stay there for 15 – 25 minutes. Epsom salt help the body eliminate toxins. Repeat daily for one week. Then reduce to once a week.
-Fast one day a week on fresh fruit and vegetable juice and drink lots of pure water.
-Rub baking soda under your arms. It instantly neutralizes the acid fluid there which bacteria need. You can also try applying straight lemon juice to your underarms when you get out of the shower.
-Another method to help control body odor is to apply apple cider vinegar to a clean underarm.

I do personally think it is a good tips! So for the sake of people that have a nose like me help us out a bit won't you?
READ MORE - BO ??? aka Body Odour


Next year gonna be great!!
Gonna travel to 3 places!! Awesome! First im heading to Bangkok,Thailand with my baby on the 8th til 10th 2010.
Then fly to Yogjakarta, Indonesia with Ashy on the 14th til 17th 2010. In this trip we might travel to Bandung by train! It gonna FUN!!!
Then on 3rd to 6th March 2010 heading off to Macau!! And might drop by Hong Kong!!! Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!
Here are the appetizers on what i might be doing in this 3 cities ;p
Btw before i start. All pictures are not mine. So credit goes to the owner and respective websites,blogs,etc..
When im back from each trip im going to update as long as possible and as detailed as possible with MY OWN PICTURE. Hehehe...

Gonna fly there with our famous Low Cost Airlines Air Asia ;p
Now Everyone Can Fly..

My plans are:
In Bangkok we gonna stay at 4stars hotel. Baiyoke Sky Hotel. The tallest hotel in Thailand.
Btw baby hates cheap hotel..
On the first day itself i planned quite a schedule...Gonna be very pack! I hope we manage to cover all the places i have listed.
According to miss Nicole iterniary , first spot gonna be Pratunam Market :) The target is to shop til we die drop.

I have no idea on how it actually look like or how it gonna be in there.. hmm...ill guess we just have to wait.
Then i plan to go to either Suan Lum or Pat Pong or Sukhumvit to experience the nightlife and go go bars :p

Absolutely won't be able to join the Full Moon Party:(
Maybe next time i hope...
On the 9th January 2010, I plan to visit all the temples and palace.
Should be done by 5pm or earlier. Then gonna head off to one of the night market or go for boat ride:)
Or maybe the beach.
And the next day continue or shopping journey :)
Then head off back to kl!
Hmmm..seems short ya??

Yogyakarta & Bandung ,Indonesia
While for Jogja & Bandung, half day gonna be wasted on the train..hmm or not to say wasted,, gonna use to recharge back my energy after another pack schedule :)
On the 14th Jan 2010 after landing, going to check train schedule to Bandung. Then maybe book a hotel, settle tour, if we gonna have one and other necessary stuff. Once it is confirmed that we are heading to Bandung that night we gonna cover as much as touristy spots as possible.
If there is train. we should be departing at 9.27pm and reach Bandung 430am.
15th January2010
Upon arrival, we will have 2 choice. Head over to Mt Tangkuban Perahu after hiring a driver or shopping.
Most highly likely it gonna be hiking ;p
The main reason i want to go to that so call mountain is this...

The crater!! yeap Mt Tangkuban Perahu is a volcano mountain. I have to go there...I just have to.but it gonna be hard as we are rushing for time:'( If we don't..Then most probably we will end up in many of the factory outlets..Eg the oh so famous Rumah Mode

And we should head back to Jogja @ 8pm and reach by 4.20am
IF, we couldn't make it due to time constraint..We will most probably be hiking up Mount Merapi instead.

 Hmph.. The most active volcano in Indonesia.Last erupted on the 1994.

On the 16th Jan 2010, i hope we can make it either for sunrise or sunset at Borobudur.

Which i hope gonna be sunrise:) Then spend the rest of the day walking around Jogja before heading back to KL on 17th Jan 2010 855am.
If you are wondering how come i never mentioned hotel this time around, it's because either we gonna sleep on the train ;p or at Setia Kawan or Delta Homestay or some other budget hotels:)

While for my last destination in March.. Nothing has been planned..
But are staying at East Asia Hotel, Macau..
Eventhough we might not know what to do yet but A list in my book is of course Venetian Macau, located at Cotai Strip.

and Macau Tower for bungee jumping! Tallest Bungee jump in the world!!

But then again... it might be too expensive for me..Heard that its over RM700......
There goes my dream...

Might be taking ferry to Hong Kong since they depart every 15 minutes..

Planning on going to Disneyland too...
or maybe Ocean Park..

And visit some tourist spot over The Giant Buddha
 Ohhh..gosh.. i don't think i have enough time:( Nooooo.....

These 3 vacations gonna be great,, but for now..head back to my books... exam on th 10thDec..
Oh ya.. This is only an estimate..will fully update the latest info,timing,etc after coming back from respective city!!