Bob Dylan Plays My Backyard + A Word on Disposable Razors

Hooray! Bob Dylan's playing Prospect Park tonight, just a few blocks from my house. This is a huge event. Also, any possibility of seeing "our" (maybe you had one too?) high school crush, Jakob Dylan, is golden. Blue-eyed, slightly cheesy songs, very good.

If you were born before the boy's moment, this cover of Rolling Stone in 1997 was a big deal.

Next Subject.

Maybe I've mentioned the preponderance of ungroomed men in California whose presence eventually inspired a move to New York. Living in Oakland in the midst of artistic boys for whom both shaving and showering were "optional" daily activities, I dreamed of a better town where good hygiene was valued, where I could converse with gentleman who expressed their identity through long, well-constructed sentences instead of draping, untamed follicles.

The Park Slope section of Brooklyn has been great. Better yet, people shower here. They appear happier to have done so. So it seemed kind of unfair to me when a member of Rogue Wave appeared on's front slideshow today. Slide #21, from New York too. How? I'm sure the Rogue Wave guys from my old neighborhood are nice, but they are also oblivious to advances in razor technology.

Hence, the Gillette® M3 Power Nitro is my pick of the day.

Buy it: Gillette M3 Power Nitro (about $15), Walgreens.

Photo Credit: Perrin