Product Review: Burt's Bees Lip Gloss

I wasted a good fifteen minutes today agonizing over what lip gloss to buy at Walgreen's. (Charlotte-like thoughts include....Do I need lip gloss? Will it taste like an oil slick? Where's the iced tea? How shiny is too shiny? And what the heck is in this tube anyway? ) I've been trying to be more careful about what lips products I wear because honestly, you can't help but eat some of it. Elves are not making that lipstick disappear.

So I'm delighted I bought Burt's Bees Super Shiny Lip Gloss in Nectar Nude. The top three ingredients in the tube are castor seed oil, sunflower seed oil, and acacia decurrens flower wax. The Nectar Nude shade is just a little shiny and appears almost invisible. Although I wish it had more color, it makes the skin on your lips feel very soft (without any weird chemicals). I might start wearing Burt's Bees gloss every day, both alone and on top of lipstick.

Verdict: Success!
Buy it: Burt's Bees Super Shiny Lip Gloss ($6.99),

READ MORE - Product Review: Burt's Bees Lip Gloss

Blogger Champagne Klatsch: Botox on Cruise Ships and Chocolate Soap

Earlier this week, a posse of us blogger-ette girls met downtown to catch up over champagne, though only water for me. (Is Louisa May Alcott my sister? No, I am just a lightweight.) During our candlelit meeting, we discussed all the things and people that inspire and annoy us.

Like...Cosmetic Surgery on the High Seas. Anne Fritz, who writes for Jet Set Girls, jumped in to tell us about her newest post. The dish: Norwegian Cruise Lines now stows doctor who will administer Botox on their ships. Isn't that nice of them? But what about the stormy waters and those big needles? I'd much rather fight a pirate or a large squid than a dermatologist on a wobbly floor. Make them walk the plank!

Rats! This icebreaker got us all bunched up and peeved about Botox. Some of us were concerned about a recent study that shows Botox particles can travel from a rat's whiskers to its brain. I was in the anti-Botox boat as were several other fashion-beauty blog klatschers who talked about frozen eyelids and all types of horrible, horror stories. Anne confessed she was pro-botulinum toxins, and likes to drink some in the morning with toast. She is against Botox on cruise ships though. And others kept mum. Then, we changed the subject to....

Yummy Soap. Do tell. Well, the fabulous Charu at Butterfly Diary was kvelling over her new soaps from Soapier. I've never seen anyone quite so rapturous about soap, but the "spirits" at the table were flowing freely. She really loves their products that smell like chocolate, like this chocolate-raspberry Red Devil slice by Soapier.
I would give you more details, but need my beauty sleep....will talk more about my new blogger girlfriends soon. Also, expect product reviews asap!

Stay gorgeous darlings,
READ MORE - Blogger Champagne Klatsch: Botox on Cruise Ships and Chocolate Soap

Would This Make Me a "Holly Hunter-Ite" or a "Holly Hunter-ophile"?

Hi senoritas,

A) I'm trying to grow my hair as long as Holly Hunter's.

And B) I have trouble accepting the abundance of lukewarm, female characters we see in the movies and on TV. So as ya probably know by now, Saving Grace's a rare TV show. Holly Hunter plays Grace, a headstrong female investigator with few apologies for who she is. She's totally rockin'!

Now, the show has set up an online forum where women are weighing in about real, emotional issues. They don't censor their contributors or make them divulge their most embarrassing makeup bloopers. Hold your horses, you say? No, giddy up. It's good news for the web. There's a million miles of fluff content directed at women (guilty as charged!), and not nearly enough straight talk. Check it out.

Also, trying to stay "on message," I'm also a massive, massive fan of the Holly Hunter flick, Home for the Holidays.

READ MORE - Would This Make Me a "Holly Hunter-Ite" or a "Holly Hunter-ophile"?

The Better To See You, My Pretties: Eyeglasses Made in France

I scanned this photo from the new J. Crew catalog because I love good eyeglasses. Also, the phrase "Made in France" in the product description didn't hurt. These vintage-style, Selima eyeglasses for J. Crew are available in golden olive for $325 online, or through catalog orders.
This model is called Menrad.

P.S.: The Selima Menrad eyeglasses are listed as unisex, but right now only appear in the men's section of

READ MORE - The Better To See You, My Pretties: Eyeglasses Made in France

Bob Dylan Plays My Backyard + A Word on Disposable Razors

Hooray! Bob Dylan's playing Prospect Park tonight, just a few blocks from my house. This is a huge event. Also, any possibility of seeing "our" (maybe you had one too?) high school crush, Jakob Dylan, is golden. Blue-eyed, slightly cheesy songs, very good.

If you were born before the boy's moment, this cover of Rolling Stone in 1997 was a big deal.

Next Subject.

Maybe I've mentioned the preponderance of ungroomed men in California whose presence eventually inspired a move to New York. Living in Oakland in the midst of artistic boys for whom both shaving and showering were "optional" daily activities, I dreamed of a better town where good hygiene was valued, where I could converse with gentleman who expressed their identity through long, well-constructed sentences instead of draping, untamed follicles.

The Park Slope section of Brooklyn has been great. Better yet, people shower here. They appear happier to have done so. So it seemed kind of unfair to me when a member of Rogue Wave appeared on's front slideshow today. Slide #21, from New York too. How? I'm sure the Rogue Wave guys from my old neighborhood are nice, but they are also oblivious to advances in razor technology.

Hence, the Gillette® M3 Power Nitro is my pick of the day.

Buy it: Gillette M3 Power Nitro (about $15), Walgreens.

Photo Credit: Perrin
READ MORE - Bob Dylan Plays My Backyard + A Word on Disposable Razors

As Promised, SpaGoddess Ayurvedic Cleanser Review

Well, I had a strong premonition about the Etsy product I mentioned about a week ago. A sample packet of SpaGoddess' Ayurvedic Cleansing Grains arrived in the mail. It is a totally magical 99% organic powder made by goddesses or gnomes or wizards. And I'm really not one to kvell over most facial products I try.

The oat grain and rice powder act together as a strong, all-natural exfoliant. I rub it very gently across the skin with water as a basic face cleanser. It's even better though when you add water and then press it on the face as a mask. If you leave the mask on for 15 or 20 minutes, the Moroccan clay in this bottle majorly cleanses the pores. I feel like I've made a trip to the spa every day I use it. 'Mazing!

Buy it: Ayurvedic Cleansing Grains ($16), SpaGoddess on Etsy.
READ MORE - As Promised, SpaGoddess Ayurvedic Cleanser Review

Eye on City Chic Girls

I was out and about this weekend in Brooklyn, and it looks like fashionable city girls are a bit feminine with tough accessories. Young, super-cool women heading to parties were wearing pale vintage tops with structured denim shorts or simple dresses. Shorts this season can be very short, but often have a funky, retro twist and are paired with black gladiator sandals. Cut-offs are absolutely out, and clean lines are in.

For "fancier" girls, I noticed one young lady on the street looking very winsome in this pink wrap dress by Diane von Furstenberg. It's called the Nalia dress.

Most hip Brooklyn girls seem to pass on lots of perfume and $300 dresses (although we all probably would wear both if our budget allowed). Women in New York look gorgeous in the summertime, and based on my grandmother-like non-20-20 vision, seem to barely wear any makeup. Anyhoo...From my skewed perspective, it does seem that all women at rock shows in Brooklyn look like they walked off the page of an Urban Outfitters catalog.

Out on the Town Beauty Tip: To look fresh into the wee hours, this pot of Bobbi Brown concealer is a gal's best friend. It helps me look happy, not sleepy. Scroll down for more...

So what else does one need before heading out in the city? Flushed cheeks and lips. In this heat, believe me: you can even skip blush. Nature will provide.

1. As for the lips, pull out a dark reddish-brown lipstick and ever so lightly draw a line in the palm of your hand.

2.Then, quickly brush your index finger against the lipstick line and dab your lips for a very faint, is-she-born-with-it? lip stain.

3. Finish the lips by applying a dime-sized amount of household olive oil for extra shine and moisture.

4. Complete the look with a coat of mascara, like Bad Gal mascara by Benefit.

And Unveiling....the Most Coveted Item of the Week: Annick Goutal Petite Cherie perfume cream ($95) at Bergdorf Goodman.

READ MORE - Eye on City Chic Girls