Blog Archive

Happenings and a Special Introduction to CozyCot

Hey girlfriends,

In case you haven' t noticed, I've kind of been going on "overdrive" on the schmancy technology thing this past week. In terms of the right-hand column, the "beauty calendar" is a work in progress. Bigger news: Eyeshadow Government is officially on Facebook now, and you can even pick up your very own widget version of this blog to put on Facebook or Myspace or...wherever. The widget even has arrived inside this post!

Biggest news: I am thrilled that a beauty site CozyCot in Singapore invited us to join their community as a "Cotter." Eyeshadow Government has touched upon the women athletes in the Beijing Olympics. But joining CozyCot is a next step in participating in a global community of women, and an excellent opportunity to communicate your thoughts with women in Singapore. CozyCot's about beauty products, but you can write about whatever you want...they have a discussion board with different forums about careers, relationships, technology, and health. So we hope you'll chat it up and share ideas. The world just keeps on becoming more connected.

And to post Eyeshadow Government to Facebook or Myspace, click on the words "Get widget" at the bottom of this box!

Lipstick kisses,