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Droll Babbling and Rehydrating!

Doonan on the Internet

All things Simon Doonan being absolutely exquisite, we had to direct you to his latest “Barney’s Babble.” The “Barney’s Babble” is the weekly Barney’s newsletter, except it’s like a personal e-mail from Simon Doonan to you telling you to buy very beautiful things. Click here.
You might appreciate the Madonna theme of his message, and jewelry like these earrings from Barney’s.

Next discussion point: things for my hands when I type.

With the A/C going full blast at el job-o-mat, you and I both might be battling air condition, arch-enemy of dewy skin. In comes to the rescue, Yonder and Green Rose-Lavender Face Cream. This moisturizer saved my pretty fingers and licked that air conditioner with its lethal combination of rose and grapeseed oil.

Buy it: Cassis Rubra Earring ($950) by Lucifer vir Honestus, Barneys; Yonder and Green Rose-Lavender Face Cream ($35), Yonder and Green.