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Little Black Book: Sugar Salon

It's so cold this April in New York that there were little snowflakes on Easter, and so Eyeshadow Government is not a happy bunny. All we can think about is Los Angeles and Miami. Palm trees, Echo Park, Miami Vice, little grains of sand, sandals with sand in them.....!!!

As you can see, I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of warm weather. Also, in Los Angeles, there lives a hairdresser named Adriana. It's been a few years since she snipped my hair, but she is inside Sugar Hair Salon. If you're afraid of looking too cool or too much like you belong on the cover of a magazine, oh, don't be boring. Just go to her. She fixes hair like lightning strikes.

Road trip: Sugar Hair Salon ($50/$60+), 3930 Sunset Blvd, Silverlake, CA 90029, (323) 666-7000.